So these documents I was all excited about finally getting from my school to finally finish my residency shit? These documents I asked for 3 months ago? Turns out my passport number is wrong on ALL OF THE DOCUMENTS.

How is it even possible for people to fuck up so consistently?

Now I have to get the documents again.

Also, my director wrote me today and said it would look very bad if I left early. (my plane ticket home is on the 13 and we're supposed to work until the 14)

I just checked, and I wrote her on November 16 asking if it was okay. She never wrote me back. Until today. Well, sorry lady. I already bought my ticket. If you had an issue with it you should have told me WEEKS AGO when I originally asked you about it.

So I'll be the nice guy and write a very apologetic email saying I'm sorry, I didn't know, I sent you an email on Nov 16, my ticket is already bought, I'm willing to stay afterwards or extra long hours if needed... etc etc. But really, if it bothered her that much I feel like she should have wrote me immediately that same day.

In good news-- my SO and I signed out prenup today! It was actually kind of exciting. And instead of costing $160 it only cost $50! We were in and out in 30 minutes.

Now I'm back home and could technically still make it into work, but fuck that shit. I'm going to take a nap.

Have a good day dudes!


You know what? All this bullshit, it's all worth it. Because I'm getting married to an awesome awesome guy. My SO's ring was delivered today and I got my cousin to send me some pictures. And I cried looking at them. I'm so excited!

It looks a little shinier than I thought it would be. But who knows. The pictures are pretty shitty, from a cell phone. I think it looks totally cool though. Can't wait to see it for real!!!