I hadn't really thought about it until I don't know.. an hour ago, but I realized that I probably need some sort of script for whoever marries us to read. I just made a thread about it over on the forum side, but I wanted to go into a little more detail here. (I posted the actual full poems on the thread so you can go there to read them)

As I mentioned in the thread I want to start with one of two Shel Silverstein poems. I love love Shel Silverstein and I think it'll be a nice little touch. Then instead of reading vows, because I can't write them, I thought we could both read each other a poem or something. I found a Pablo Neruda sonnet which I really like, but is a little abstract. I would probably read it in English so my dad and his wife wouldn't feel left out.

And finally, I looked online for secular ceremonies and I found an outline I like. Is it bad to steal someone else's stuff?

So it would go like this:

Celebrant reads one of the two Shel Silverstein poems

Celebrant: Welcome friends and family. We are here to celebrate love. Love organizes our large and sometimes unpredictable world. It is that which enshrines and ennobles our human experience. It is the basis for the peace of family, and the peace of the peoples of the earth. The greatest gift bestowed upon humans is the gift of love freely given between two persons.

Do you, parents, family and friends of [insert names] who have lovingly raised and nurtured these two individuals, offer your blessing for their marriage, promising to support them, understand them, and encourage them in their solemn endeavor, in the years ahead? If you agree, please say, “We do.”

My SO and I read poems to each other

Celebrant: Do you [lucybelle], accept this man, as your husband — joining with him today in matrimony — offering your friendship and loving care — honoring his growth and freedom as well as your own — cherishing and respecting him, loving and embracing him in times of adversity and times of joy? If so, answer now, “I do.” ([lucybelle] responds, “I do.”)
Please repeat after me:
With this ring / I thee wed. / Take it as a sign / of my everlasting / and unconditional love / with all that I am / and all that I have / from this day forward / as your wife.

*repeat for my SO, changing the pronouns and what nots*

Celebrant: [lucybelle and SO], in the presence of your family and friends who have joined you to share this moment of joy, you have declared your deep love and affection for each other. You have stated your wish to always be together, always open to a deeper, richer friendship and partnership. You have formed your own union, based on respect and honor. Therefore, it is my joyful responsibility to officially acknowledge your union as “Husband and Wife.” You may now kiss the bride.

*insert appropriate cheers and whistles*

May the glory which rests upon all who love you, bless you and keep you, fill you with happiness and a gracious spirit. Despite all changes of fortune and time, may that which is noble and lovely and true remain abundantly in your hearts, giving you strength for all that lies ahead.

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my privilege to present to you for the very first time, Mr. [SO name] and Mrs. [my name]!


Short and sweet, right?

If anyone has any poems or any suggestions I would be quite open to them. This is something I want to keep quiet from my family, so I don't want to ask for suggestions from them.

Also, what is you guyses opinion on reading songs as poems? Like if I took a song I liked and read it like a poem? There's this one song I really love and one verse is so perfect, but I think it would be weird to read a song. Plus it's by a normally extremely vulgar and political group who happened to make this very touching and lovely song.