Blogging just to blog.

I leave tomorrow to go home for 5 days! It's not a long trip, but it'll be fun. I never heard back from my director who randomly wrote me telling me I couldn't go, so whatever. I told everyone today that I wouldn't be at work tomorrow or Friday. They're all jealous, hehe.

I'm about done packing. I'm not going to take much because I have to haul a LOT of shit back. Let me see if I can make a list...

-special anti-allergy laundry detergent
-special anti-allergy mattress covers
-my SO's ring
-my SO's Christmas/birthday presents (bought him Stephen Colbert's latest book, planning on getting him some silk boxers. And just for the past few days he has been hinting about a watch, so I might splurge and get him a nice watch too.)
-body jewelry and earrings
-the awesome sharpies
-tax transcripts for visa application
-cover up (from NICOLE!)
-VS stuff (bought some new underwear online and might go buy some lingerie for wedding night)
-stuff my dad bought for me (external hard drive, iPod, phones- 2 of them)
-new Sonicare toothbrush heads

Aaaand I think that's it? Geeze louise! Plus I gotta take every electronic out of its packaging because anything you bring in new to CR you have to pay an offensive tax on. Like basically the same amount of money it's worth.

So yeah, all I have packed for 5 days is- 2 shirts, 1 jeans, underwear and socks. Plus the clothes I'll wear on the plane. That's plenty! If I run out, my mom has plenty of sweat pants I can use

I also have to bring the presents I bought. I only got stuff for my dad, step mom and cousin. I only bought them stuff because they are getting me stuff. Originally I wasn't going to bring anything back. I'll buy some beer and everyone will be happy.

I'm also bringing a huge amount of money in cash which totally totally freaks me out. But I want to put it into my account in the USA and the only way to do it is to take out cash and deposit it. And of course thinking about it now, I was planning on going to hang out in NYC on my long layover but it seems like a really bad idea remembering how much cash I'll have on me. Plus my wedding dress.

So I'm getting married in a month. I thought I'd be all nervous, but I'm not. Yet. Thinking the week of I'll be sweating bullets, but I'm still pretty calm about everything. I've been secretly looking through wedding blogs and I really enjoy looking. But am still so glad I didn't have to organize all that crap. Just looked at a photoshoot with a "retro" theme. The guy looked like a T-bird from "Grease". It was so silly, and not the good silly.

Anyways, to each his own.

Here's the script that I think I'm happy with. I'm going to put it in small print so it doesn't take up loads of space and if you want to read it you can always copy and paste.

“If you are a dreamer, come in,
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,
A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer...
If you're a pretender come sit by my fire
For we have some flax-golden tales to spin.
Come in!
Come in!”

Welcome family and friends! Today we have gathered in this place of natural beauty to be joyful, in celebration of the relationship of _ and _. They thank each of you for coming to share this special day with them. May the spirit which is in the blue sky, in the wind, and in the fresh smells of the Earth enter your bodies, fill your hearts, and bless your lives.

Do you, parents, family and friends of _ and _ who have lovingly raised and nurtured these two individuals, offer your blessing for their marriage, promising to support them, understand them, and encourage them in their joyful and courageous adventure of marriage? If you agree, please say, “We do.”

me: (reads poem)
he: (reads poem which he hasn't picked out yet)

Do you _, accept this man, _, as your husband — joining with him today in matrimony — offering your friendship and loving care — honoring his growth and freedom as well as your own — cherishing and respecting him, loving and embracing him in times of adversity and times of joy?
(_ responds, “I do.”)
Please repeat after me:
I give you this ring/ as I give to you/ all that I am/ and accept from you/ all that you are/ from this day forward/ forever and ever.

(he repeats)

_ and _, in the presence of your family and friends who have joined you to share this moment of joy, you have declared your deep love and affection for each other. It is now my joyful responsibility to officially pronounce you as “Husband and Wife.” You may now kiss the bride.

May you always feel as close as you do this day. May your lives be graced with good health. May you always find happiness in your home and may it be a refuge from the storm of life. May your love grow even stronger as you share your lives together, and may your future be even more wonderful than you dreamed possible!

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my privilege to present to you for the very first time as husband and wife, Mr. and Mrs. !

Our Christmas tree smells awesome.