Hey guys! So here's my story of my trip home.

First of all- both my planes on my way home were delayed. Wasn't too big of a deal since I already had a 4.5 hour layover. But from my flight from SJO to JFK this really nasty, old, bigot man was talking to (at) me. Usually when I have small talk with people I don't really know I just smile and nod to avoid confrontations, even when I don't agree with what they are saying. But I couldn't do that with this man. He was talking about how racial profiling is important and should be used everywhere because people usually fit into the stereotypes. Seriously? After arguing a bit I told him I thought he was a very unpleasant man I no longer wanted to continue the conversation. I mean seriously, just because I'm white doesn't mean I'm a class A-ass hat!

Anyways!! Got home and got some normal stuff done. I had to make a bank deposit and get my driver's license renewed. Also found out that the IRS thinks I owe them $500+ in taxes. Think I mostly got that taken care of (they were trying to tax me on something they shouldn't have taxed me on, and while that will take away a lot of the amount I have to pay I'll still probably owe some money in taxes. Not $500 though!)

Friday night was the swim team talent show. My family loves talent shows. And your talent can be anything, like some (lame) people tell stories, one girl this year named scientific names of any tree you called out, sing a song, play an instrument, etc. This year I hula hooped (with tricks and shit!) although the awesomeness was a bit limited since I did it in a room with a 7 foot ceiling!

Saturday my dad told me my stepmom wanted to hold a "get together" for me. I sort of knew it was going to be a bridal shower thingie, I just hoped she wouldn't give me embarrassing underwear in front of my dad and brother. Well it was, and she did. I guess it wasn't too embarrassing. It was a little white thong that said "bride" on it and a gift card to VS. It was really nice of her to do that for me. She doesn't have any kids so I guess me getting married is exciting for her too. (Whenever I think of bridal showers I think of this SNL skit. I die laughing every single time!!!)

Later Saturday one of my good good friends came and we went and spent the gift card at VS and I gotta tell you, I was disappointed in their selection! My SO had mentioned before that he likes really slutty outfits so I tried some on and they fit terribly! I felt so fat and awkward. I mean I'm a fairly thin person, but I am not at all "little". I've got some serious thick thighs, big shoulders, and I'm wide just about everywhere. Anything that fit okay in the torso area had straps so tight and short that it made indentations in my shoulders! And you couldn't adjust them! Wtf? I ended up getting a not very sexy babydoll top, but it's something, right? (kinda looks like this, I couldn't find the exact one on the website. In pink)

That night, after feeling like a fat ass trying to squeeze into corsets, my good friend, my sister, my cousin and I went to my "bachelorette" party. All my other friends blew me off, the lames. My sister bought me a blinking crown that said "bride" and a sash. We went to a bar and drank a lot of girly drinks. I'm normally a beer or wine drinker, but I had all sorts of stupid named mixed drinks and a couple shots. I had a few drinks bought for me from random other people which was nice. None of us were very dressed up, I was just in a thermal long sleeved shirt and jeans. It was fine at first and then later a whole bunch of really nicely dressed people started coming in. Like fancy party dresses and suits and ties! Oh well! We partied like the slobs we are (I'm embarrassed to say that night I had to puke, once home. I only had like 4 or 5 drinks and maybe 3 shots! I want to say it was because I was drinking *too* much water.)

Sunday my brother, sister, their SOs and I went over to my dad's house for early Christmas. I've mentioned this before but my dad shows his love through presents. And every year one kid wins, this year it was me! He got me an iPod touch which I am freaking LOVING. It's so super cool. No wonder people buy this stuff! I feel like I've finally caught up to the modern day world.

Monday I went to the dentist and they told me my tooth that has been hurting will probably require a root canal and a crown!!! WTF? My dentist thinks it's cracked. LUCKILY I live in Costa Rica which is where many people come for dental work. Because they do a really good job and it's cheaper for people in the USA to fly to CR, get the dental work done, then fly back to the USA than to just get it done in the USA. I mean a root canal + crown would probably cost around $3000 in the USA. Here in CR? MAYBE $800. So at least that worked out for me! I need to get an appointment soon.

AND Monday night we went out for pizza and my other bestest friend in the world came. Well, she ended up convincing me to let her come to the wedding! I LOVE HER! She's been one of my closest friends for over 10 years now. Since high school! She really wanted to come, so what the hell! Also, I asked her to marry us! She already started the process to get ordained online. That'll be so much fun!

Tuesday I headed back to SJO. I had a 5 hour lay over in Miami so I hung out with a friend. We went out to dinner (he always buys because he's painfully wealthy). Him, his husband and their dog will also be coming to the wedding. My SO wants the one I hung out with to walk him down the aisle. jaja He's Cuban so I think my SO feels a connection with him. Plus, they really have a ton of similar tastes in movies, literature, music and art.

FINALLY- I got to try on all my wedding stuff. The petticoat does not look good so it is exed. I brought it back to CR with me and will find somewhere else to wear it because it's pretty freaking sweet. I did like the tights, I think they're pretty subtle and actually really warm! Which is a plus since I'm now a cold wuss. My mom helped put the veil onto my headband and I think everything looks pretty awesome. I'm NOT showing it all together to my SO until the day of. He's seen everything I'm going to wear, but not together. That'll be the surprise. I also brought back his ring which looks AWESOME. I think it's a little small in size, but my SO thinks it's fine (I ended up not proposing because I was jacked up on Xanax and booze and 12 hours of travel by the time I got home. . . don't judge...) I got MY ring too which I managed to not peek at. So he is supposed to propose to me with it before the wedding sometime.

PICTURES. (I hope everyone can see them all. The first three are with tinypic and the last three with postimage because tinypic fucked up too many times in a row)

Me holding one of my mom's 12 chickens. An obligatory picture! She gets like 8 eggs a day.

My cousin, my sister, me and one of my best friends going to the bachelorette party.

Me and my friend who will be marrying us.

My wedding stuff, without the tights.

My wedding stuff, with the tights. And you can see my headpiece a little better.

Finally this is me using the scarf my grandma made for me. I like the cover up nicole sent me much better, but I'll take pictures the day of with both on to make my grandma happy!

Also, you might notice on my shoes I sewed a little white button in the middle of the flowers on the toe. I think it looks super cute

Oh, I forgot to take pictures with my earrings (remember those big ones for gauged ears?). I'll have to try them on with everything. They're actually kind of brown on one side and that pearly color on the other. We'll see!

(This blog has taken me over an hour to post because my internet is so FREAKING slow and it's taken forever to load these goddam pictures. You're welcome! Now enjoy them goddamit!!)

(Closer to two hours now. I start a picture upload, go make breakfast, unpack, make the bed, then the picture is uploaded. Start next one, do more chores... repeat.)