I will blog.

So tomorrow my SO and I were going to go on this boat with his sister and her fiance. He thought he was going to have to work, but was trying to get out of it. The sister and fiance were going to leave tonight, but ended up going yesterday so I couldn't get a ride with them. My SO got into it with his boss and did not get Saturday off after all.

And it's not so much about the boat thing. The boat will be there. It's his fucking job that sucks the goddam life out of him. It's worse now because they work extra over holidays, but he's always running around and stressed out at his job. He's super good at not bringing any of that home besides asking for foot massages, but still.

He came home for lunch today and we briefly talked about him quitting his job. He doesn't make much money (I make more as a teacher, and easily work half as much as he does), but he does have this shady secret side business (lends money) where he makes about $700 more a month. If he quit his job, he would lose his side business because all his "clients" are coworkers. And if he's not working with them he can't shake them down for the money they owe him. Although I make a little more than him (not including the side business), it's certainly not enough for us to live on with our current lifestyle. Sure we could cut back on weekend vacations, nice dinners, going to bars, concerts, outings, etc, but that's what makes life fun! We could live off of my salary by just "being", but we couldn't do any fun things without dipping into savings.

I encouraged him to start looking for jobs with less stress. I thought he should look into teaching, but he really doesn't want to do that. I don't know... we'll see. The other thing is he's been working at this same job for 11 years. I wonder if it would look shady for him to quit right as we apply for a spousal visa. Maybe he can hold on until May or so and then he can quit and we'll leave as soon as we get the visa.

*sigh* I just feel so bad for him. I told him maybe Saturday night we can go out to dinner or a movie or something. If he's not too tired.

But onto good-er news!

I'm planning out little wedding gift baggies for each "group" that comes. For example- one baggie for the couple from Miami, they don't each get one. I'm going to put in one Sharpie per person (just had to order 12 more since one of each of the colors I already have magically disappeared...), a bottle of local hot sauce my SO and I love, and a bottle of the local liquor (guaro). It's certainly not fancy or anything, but I think it's a nice little something, albeit a little random. Plus my mom ordered wedding announcements which I think turned out super cute. I'll throw in one of those too. (My mom had them made up in Spanish. My mom is part Cuban but thinks she's full Cuban and is super psyched I'm marrying a Hispanic.) I'm pretty excited to get the stuff to start putting the baggies together because I don't have anything else to do during these days except for stress over the fact that HOLY SHIT I'M GETTING MARRIED IN TWO WEEKS.

Actually I'm not that freaked out. In fact, it doesn't even feel real yet. Last night I told my SO "so we're getting married in 2 weeks" thinking I would freak him out. But he didn't freak. Then he says to me "I love my wife" and I was like HOLY SHIT! marriage.

Next week I'm going to go with my SO to get his outfit for the wedding. He wanted to wait until after Christmas for "sales", which I honestly kind of doubt there will be any. But whatever. Our plan is for him to wear these nice gray jeans he has, with a nice shirt, a jacket and a bow tie (all three he needs to buy). I've never seen him dressed up before, so this will be a real treat! I mean he cares about how he looks, and he looks good, but always jeans and t-shirt or polo. I'm so excited to see him in a tie and jacket! Sex-ay!

In a random note (although I suppose this entire blog is random)- my brother's girlfriend is awful. You guys might remember how he asked me a few times to let her come to the wedding and I told him no. Well I'm so glad I did. When I went home for Christmas I barely even saw my brother because he was constantly hiding with his girlfriend. Like I went to my dad's house and we were all hanging out, except for my brother and his girlfriend who went to their room and shut the door. They didn't come to the talent show my mom had (which was a GREAT party) because the girlfriend was "tired". At 7pm... Seriously? They're LD (by a 5 hour car drive) so I know how it feels, but geeze I'm in the country for 4 days. You can't hang out? My mom says that happens all the time and she's so glad I put my foot down. My family went to visit my sister for Christmas and they said the girlfriend was so unbearable the entire weekend. When the family went downtown, the two didn't and my mom said she felt bad but she was so glad they didn't because the girlfriend is so annoying! Ugh. I just hope my brother realizes how much better he can do.

My SO is going to take me to the pharmacy today after work. Lots of pharmacies here have doctors who will write you a Rx for a small fee and then give you the medicine. I feel like such a baby for not going by myself. But I just don't like to. I know if I were in the USA I'd go to an Urgent Care by myself no problem. But here I still feel so much like a foreigner. Even though I can communicate just fine and know where to go and what to do, I like for my SO to be there. So he's taking me. After his long, stressful day at work. I love that man.

My dog has been so good at keeping me company these days. I've been trying to long-leash train her and she's been doing so well! Unfortunately I've been so sick it's hard for me to take her out for long periods of time. Don't tell my SO, but the past two days I've let the dog on the bed and cuddled and took a nap with her. That's so against the rules! He would be furious if he found out! Now the puppy is making me laugh because she keeps crawling under this chair that I use as a nightstand. Here's a funny picture.

Oh and my mom is making me a bridal ski hat and my SO a groom ski hat. I'm so excited to see them! They'll be so silly!