My SO is washing the huge-mongous pile of dishes so I have a bit of time to write here.

As you guys know, I brought my ring back to CR from the USA while I was up there. I gave it to my SO (without peeking!) and he was to propose to me before the wedding sometime. He kept saying he wanted to take me to fancy dinners or to some hotel or whatever and so I assumed he was going to do it in one of those places.

Well much to my surprise, he proposed yesterday while we were on a trip to Isla Tortuga with his family! After a few hours hanging out, we went out to the beach (we were on a boat, so we swam to the beach) and sat down for a while. Then his family beckoned us to come back because we were about to leave. So while we were swimming out he says "oops! I almost dropped something!" I was like "what do you have with you?" I mean we were in the ocean, what would you bring? He grabs me and shows me his hand, my ring is on his little finger, and says "will you marry me?" I was like WHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! And I always thought it was so silly when people say "I forgot to say yes!" but it totally happened to me too! I was just like "awwwwwwww" and started kissing him, then held out my hand for the ring. He says "well what's your answer?" Oh yeah! Then he puts it on my finger, we swim back to the boat, and I show it off to his family who is so overjoyed and happy and hugging everyone it was as if they didn't know we were planning on getting married. They all tell us "congratulations" and bring out some champagne to drink. They didn't know about the proposal either, it just so happened there was champagne on the boat!

I was holding back tears the whole time, I was so damn happy!

Evidently his first idea was to put it on the coral while we were snorkeling earlier, but I was ahead of him and wouldn't wait... He's a slow swimmer! jaja But I'm super glad he didn't cuz goodness gracious the tides would have taken it away! And yes, he actually did almost drop the ring right before he proposed. In another dimension we're still in the ocean looking for the ring in the sand...

So... here's the picture! No making fun of my ugly ass finger

I told my mom my SO gave the ring to me and she told me the story behind the ring. Remember how I loved hers so much? Well she wrote the jeweler who made her ring and found one that was very similar to it! It's a little bigger and without the bands around the flowers. The rings have been discontinued and this was the last one he had! FATE!

I love it so much. It's definitely "me"

While I was wearing my ring on the way back home yesterday, my SO was all like "I wish I had my ring to wear too, because we're a couple!" Our rings are extremely different, but match our personalities perfectly. Mine is pretty and fun, his is square and well designed. jaja

Anyways, have a good NYE! And I promise no more blogging for at least a week!