I just made up the little thank you gifts for the people coming to our wedding. I think they turned out pretty nice. I ended up just putting in the hot sauce and Sharpies.

Also I finished the programs, just about. My SO still has to pick something to read during the ceremony. And that's the only thing I need to put in! I translated everything into Spanish and had my SO look over it. It was funny the first part says something like "may the spirit in the sky, and earth fill your hearts blah blah" and he was all "what's this hippie shit?" I told him I thought it was nice, and had he read the ceremony when I originally showed him he could have complained then. But too late now! He can roll his eyes all he wants, I'm keeping in my hippie shit

So as soon as he picks something to read I'll have him print out a final copy and then go make copies onto nice paper.

Hot sauce! We were planning on getting everyone the big bottles, but they only had two big bottles. So my parents get the big bottles, everyone else gets the small cute ones. Plus a few sharpies. My SO was like "so what's our theme? Hot sauce and writing?" jaja

And this is what they look like! I think they're fine. Not super fancy, but good enough. I just hope they make it through the check baggage plane ride!

Here's the program. I put up the Spanish one because it looks more complete than the English one.

Also yesterday I went and bought some concealer and powder to use on the big day. I tried it out last night and I think I picked the right color! Woo! I also (random side note) bought a pair of jeans and two sweaters because my SO is always saying I need more nice sweaters. From Zara!! How fancy is that? First things I've ever owned from Zara, I feel like a fancy pants McGee now

I'll probably call my mom again today. I've been calling her just to chat. I'm so excited and I spend almost all day alone by myself while my SO is at work, so it's nice to chat.

It's funny to me because my SO's family is all like "so is everything ready? Everything planned?" I'm like "well, I have a man to marry, and someone to marry us, so yes!" That's all I really want. My wedding dress could burn and I wouldn't be too upset. I mean I would be upset because I spent $150 on it and because I liked it, but it certainly wouldn't "ruin" anything. As long as I leave the USA legally married, I don't care much what happens in between.

Anyways, have a good day!

Oh, final random question-- which nail polish should I use?? The lightest color is so light you almost can't see it when it goes on. Just a nice little color. The middle is one of my favorite colors, but I don't know that it really "goes" with my bouquet and such. And finally the last one is just a nice dark purple. I think I want to do dark nails because, why the hell not? But maybe I should tone it down? I don't know...