So we got to Denver about an hour late (because two people in the exit row had to move since they didn't speak English and REFUSED to move. So they kept having to bring in more and more people telling them "the airplane can't leave until you move". *sigh*) and my SO was not let through immigration. He didn't have an address to where he was going to stay, and neither did I. I didn't think it was necessary because I have NEVER put an address on those things ever. For entrance into any country. Just a city. Well I forget I get an easy ride everywhere since I'm a US cit. After a little bit of lecturing from the immigration lady, I was able to use their phone to call my mom and get an address. (later I thought, why didn't I just make one up? I mean it's not like they'll know!!)

My dad and his wife drove us to our final destination in Colorado and we went and got our ski rentals. FOR FREE! My aunt knows some lady who is always making soup for this ski rental shop and so they "owed her", so we got them for free. Then that night we went to my uncle's house and ate said soup and passed the freak out.

Friday (the next day) we went skiing for the first time. When we left the house in the morning it was -20F!!!!! I have never ever in my life been in weather that cold. And obviously my SO hadn't either. My SO caught onto skiing eventually but geeze I wish I had taken a video of him when he was learning. He was screaming and cursing and falling down every second. It was HILARIOUS!! Well, he was pissed to no end, but everyone else thought it was super funny. By the end of that day, he was doing OKAY. Certainly much MUCH better than the very first run. I was wearing the veil ski hat my mom made me and got lots of "congratulations". It was fun.

Friday night I had a bit of a melt down. Everyone was supposed to go up to the hot springs, but a lot of people bailed because it got pretty late. We got up and while my SO and I were trying to check in (with this ASS HOLE who worked there. Serious ass hole.) everyone else was in the springs. By the time my SO and I finally got everything settled into our caboose, everyone else was all dressed and leaving! WTF? So I was all stressed because it seemed like no one wanted to be there, and we missed hanging out because of that stupid attendant guy, and the hot springs was such a long drive from town... etc etc. My SO tried to calm me down. I think I just needed to go to sleep. jeje

Saturday we had changed the wedding time to the afternoon- 4pm, instead of the morning. My SO and I decided not to ski that day. But we still went over to the mountain and took the gondola up to take family pictures on the mountain. It was a lot of fun. Later we took the gondola back down, and went to eat lunch. Finally, it was time for me to head up to my uncle's house to get ready.

I figured 2 hours was plenty of time, but at least 45 min of that was wasted chatting. Oops. My friend curled my hair and I think she did an awesome job. They were still somewhat intact the next morning! In the hurry of getting ready I didn't change my earrings and just wore the random ones I had on. Oh well. We sent the menfolk down to my uncle's shop earlier than the ladies so they could figure out the Skype thing to Skype Oscar's family back home.

After a few glitches, Skype ended up working GREAT and his family said they could see everything! The ceremony was short, and also FREEEEEEEZING. I ditched the purple high heels I was originally going to wear because of the cold, and also because we stood on top of the frozen river for the ceremony. Didn't want to slip! My aunt lent me some nice warm white boots, so I figured what the hell, I'd rather be a little bit warmer! And the bottom half of my body was quite toasty, it was the top half that was shivering! But we all made it through.

Some random drunk guy showed up to the ceremony, since it was outside. Whatever.

My family also brought bird seed with glitter in it to throw on us when we "processed out". They threw it too early originally even though I gave them a program! jaja I was still picking that stuff out of my dress that night. It was really nice.

After the ceremony my aunt surprised us with a cupcake tower her random friend made for us! They were delicious. We ate cupcakes, drank prosecco, and signed our marriage license. Then we headed to my cousin's hockey game! We had left over prosecco but since glass isn't allowed inside we poured it into a water bottle and passed that around. Classy, I know.

Finally, we went to the restaurant to have our dinner. The place gave us a whole room to ourselves which was super nice. My (other) aunt surprised us with a DELICIOUS wedding cake and my mom surprised us with cake toppers! They were two dogs. The girl dog looked like my puppy and the boy dog just looked "strong". jaja

At dinner, every single person made a toast. It was really nice and nothing was too long or drawn out. Plus it meant drinking every time someone spoke! My SO and I eventually headed back up to the hot springs where out caboose was. And... FELL ASLEEP!

Sunday was a hang-out day. We said goodbye to those who were leaving and gave out the thank-you gifts we had forgotten to give out at the dinner. Well turns out we had not only forgotten to give them out, we left them in the car where all the hot sauces froze and then exploded. We managed to salvage the sharpies by just rinsing them off, but all the hot sauce was lost. Oh well!

Monday was beautiful and sunny and again -24F! SO COLD! But we skiied ALL DAY. I was so proud of my SO. We took him over to the other side of the mountain where all the blue squares (intermediate slopes) were and he did great! He was really having a blast. My mom commented "your boyfriend couldn't ski, but your husband's doing a great job!"

Tuesday the rest of my family left and my SO and I went to buy something for his mom. We settled on a picture frame and today we're hoping to print out a nice shot from the wedding and put it in there. We also went to a bar since my SO wanted to play pool. Sometime during the course of the evening, some random guy shows up and asks to play. He creams my SO (who is a decent player) then says that he's the number one pool player in Jamaica!! JAJAJA! So we talked with him, watched my SO get beat a few more times, took some pictures, then headed up to my uncle's house.

That night my uncle was going to get elk meat from his neighbor to cook it for my SO since he really wanted to try it. But somehow the elk never showed up so we just ate whatever was around. My SO got plenty drunk (it's easier at high elevations, we were at 10,000 ft!) and we blasted Latin music and danced the night away. My SO commented on how I was so much better at dancing bolero than I was before. I attribute it to the fact that he's less critical of my dancing when he's drunk.

Wednesday we bought sandwiches in the morning and caught our taxi back to Denver. When trying to get on the airplane they called me up to ask for "proof of onward travel". This is something needed when you fly into Costa Rica. I told them I'm applying for residency, therefore don't need the proof and went and got my sheet that said that. Long story short, they wouldn't let me use that piece of paper and forced me to buy a return ticket. I got a fully refundable one, so I'm going to call today to refund it. But also complain. I had the EXACT DOCUMENTATION necessary and they didn't accept it. So I'm pissed. Some guy came up and he says "I speak Spanish and this is just a letter" I told him "That's nice you speak Spanish, but you're obviously NOT from Costa Rica since this is the exact paper I need." I told them I live there legally and my husband in Costa Rican. And they still wouldn't budge. I started off nice with them, then got real pissy at the end. By the time I came back to show them my return ticket the lady who was talking to me was shaking. Damn right, bitch.

Anyways, I think that's it for now!

My SO's family on the ipad

Going up the gondola!

The menfold carrying the bride

My dad walking me out

My friend who married us and me getting ready to leave to go to my uncle's shop

Dog cake toppers!

My whole family on the frozen river

Marriage license signed!!

You can see my ski hat veil in this one