Tomorrow my SO goes back to work. We got back to San Jose late Wednesday and since then we have been slumming around doing as little as possible every single day. Not that that's much different from one of my normal days... But for him it is! He normally works too much and goes to school, so this was a much needed break for him. Tomorrow is the end of it all, but he says he feels all rested, which makes me happy.

Also found out that his braces will probably take into mid year 2014, when I thought they would only last until the end of this year. I'm actually kind of excited because I'd like to stay here for a few more years. Maybe we'll head back to the USA at the end of 2014 now. I know my SO will want to leave ASAP, but we'll see!

Tomorrow my sister also comes to visit! I'm excited but also a little, I don't know.. annoyed. Like I just had to plan a wedding (okay it's not like it was a huge thing, but still!) and now I have to entertain her for the next week. She's laid back and a lot of fun, so I know I'm just being a jerk. But she smells SO BAD. See the thing is she can't smell (at all, not a little bit, she can't smell at all. It's a genetic thing that I don't feel like going into) so she doesn't know what she smells like and how people can't stand to be around smelly people. I tell her ALL THE TIME when she stinks, but it doesn't help. I mean she's turning 28 this year, you'd think by now she'd know how to bathe to keep the stink away. I even say it's not so much about bathing, just put on clean clothes and deodorant! She reeked so bad at my wedding I could barely give her a goodbye hug. She probably won't have deodorant and she'll want to use mine, which I think is disgusting. There's not much I won't share, but one of the things I refuse to share is deodorant. And toothbrushes. I don't care who you are, get your own!!!


So she gets in tomorrow and we're going to the beach for 2 nights. I booked too late and couldn't get a cheap hostel. The best thing I found was a bed and breakfast, so I'm sure everyone there will think we're gay. Let me just say it won't be the first time we will be mistaken as a couple!

Then we might just hang around here in SJ for two days, she's going to get her teeth cleaned one day. And we're going to a couch surfing party on Saturday which are always a fun booze fest. She leaves Monday morning and that's when I start work! Holy crap my vacation is over!! (I know I know, right? I get two months vacation... jeje! I love being a teacher!)

Oh and one of my coworkers got her cedula (residency card) for CR! I'm so pissed! I started my application MONTHS before her. WHAT THE FUCK. I'm so fucking sick of this BS! Ugh!! At least my school wrote me the other day to get my correct passport number to get the papers I need again (remember last time when they finally gave them to me my passport number was wrong). I wasn't even going to pursue them. We'll see if I ever get approved.

I've somewhat withdrawn from the site here a bit because someone really ticked me off. But it's not that serious. It's probably good for me to stay away a bit more anyways. And I'll get over it eventually. In fact I already stopped caring. It's so damn hard for me to hold a grudge! I wish I was better at it

Well I'm about to go watch Les Mis (the new one) with my SO. He got it on DVD. Costa Rica is so bootleg, I love it! And it's good quality too. No holding the camera in the theater BS. This is like full DVD menu and everything. It's not out in the theaters here and I've been dying to see it! So he called up the video store and they burned it for him. All video stores here are bootleg. My SO says once Blockbuster tried to open a store, but they shut down super quick since everyone can get the movies for so much cheaper at the normal stores. He bought these 3 videos for like $4 each. It's sweet. You can rent them for even less.

ANYWAYS. Have a great week everyone