Come join my pity party

I was getting all excited about my job. This new English director lady seemed really helpful and understanding. She worked hard to take away 3rd grade science from my course load as well as English. My schedule was looking great- I only had one day to stay until 4:00pm and I had one day I could leave after lunch.

I don't know why I haven't learned to not get my hopes up.

They made some changes to the schedules for whatever reason. And now my schedule sucks balls!!!!!!!!!!!! Four days a week I have to stay until 4:00pm. And the fifth day? Until 2pm, which is when most of the normal ed teachers leave. See normally from 2:00pm-4:00pm the kids have music lessons. But for whatever reason they also stick science/biology at the end of the day too. When my director was passing out schedules she said she changed them so people had better schedules. I kept seeing these really nice ones go out where the teachers could leave 3 days a week after lunch and never had to stay past 2:00pm. Then I get mine. I almost threw that shit back at her. I mean are you serious?

I just think it's not fair! Okay, I get it, working until 4pm is not that late. But having to work 7:00am-4:00pm with random ass gaps in between classes that you can't leave during... fucking sucks! Especially when I'm the only fucking teacher with this shitty ass schedule! For example- Thursday I have a class from 7:30-9:00, then a break until 1:00pm (I can't go anywhere because we have to babysit the stupid kids during breaks), then a class from 1:00-2:00, then another break and finally a class from 3:00-4:00. What kind of fucking bullshit is that? I have a FOUR HOUR BREAK in the middle of the day. Instead of moving those classes to that FOUR HOUR BREAK I have to sit around on my ass all day.

And! I still have to teach English!!!

The whole English thing wouldn't have been that big a deal if they had kept me with my first schedule. It wasn't great, but I was happy with it and it sure was a helluva lot better then this shit they gave me now.

I'm so freaking envious of my friend. For whatever stupid ass reason they now have 2 German teachers for grades 5-9 so each of them only have 3 grades (I taught 3rd-9th grade, why not hire another fucking science teacher?). And both of those teachers (my friend included) can leave EVERY DAY after lunch. Every mother fucking day. While I stay another 3 hours.

If we're getting paid the same amount I would be fucking pissed. They're basically working part time! Granted I have those breaks during the day, but I'm not allowed to leave. When they get their 4 hour break after lunch, they just go home. While I have mine in the middle of the day. UGH!!

So, I'm bitter. I like my job, I do, but I feel so much like I'm always put on the back burner. Last year I had a crappy schedule too. Why do they decide that all the other teachers get nice pretty schedules and I don't? (and I'm not making this up, I'm the only teacher with a schedule this shitty) And the first one I was given wasn't nice, but I was HAPPY with it! It was GOOD ENOUGH.

This shit blows.

I think I'm going to make myself a chocolate milkshake. That makes everything better.

My SO and I are supposed to go see Django tonight but I think he had a hard day at work too. We'll see if we're up to it.

ETA- This has kind of cheered me up.

As well as this- a picture of puppies that my SO found that look identical to my dog! We adopted her when she was already big so we never got to see her as a puppy. But now I kind of have

My doggy-