Every family is crazy, I know that. But goodness gracious never have I seen so much drama than with my SO's family. And it's not like normal drama, it's serious fucking shit that usually ends with lawyers and restraining orders.

Something new went down yesterday, it's not my place to discuss everything here, but it's serious, again. My SO's father is in trouble, again. And my SO and I don't really know how to feel about it. We want to support my SO's father, but it's hard. My SO always takes these problems on because he's the only one in the family that talks things out. Anyone else would just start screaming, blaming, calling lawyers, etc. So he's all stressed out because he's dealing with this situation and wants to help his father, but good god! This man needs to grow up! When is he (SO's dad) going to start taking freaking responsibilities for his actions?? My SO constantly bails him out of the shit he gets himself into. He's like an ignorant child, seriously. He's so naive it amazes me that my SO is related to him. I don't know how my SO managed to get out of that household as grounded as he is.


Just needed to let that out.

I hope everything turns out okay and more restraining orders aren't needed.