My homeroom class is 6th grade. Here, kids graduate in 6th grade. It's the end of mandatory school. Every year at my school the kids in 6th grade do lots of fund raising to raise money for their graduation party. On Tuesday parents came in for breakfast and I wanted to talk to them about fund raising ideas, but in the end it was a huge waste of time, but that's a different rant. At the end of the breakfast thing a few parents came and asked me if I would be okay with the kids having a Valentine's day sale where they would sell chocolates and balloons and such. I thought it was fine and they told me they would send me more info about it on Wednesday.

So Wednesday comes around and I tell the kids about the sales and send out an email to parents. Wednesday evening I start hearing about how the 9th graders are planning on selling stuff on Valentine's day. So I figure it's best to not compete and I send out another email saying I didn't know about the other sales and that it's better we wait.

Well just this morning I get some pissy ass email from the director saying I need to be more organized and keep the administration in the loop. That now it's my fault the 6th graders can't sell stuff.

What the hell? I'm just so pissed. First of all, I was sending every single email to my director. If she had known about the goddamn 9th graders selling shit WHY DIDN'T SHE TELL ME??!! Why did I have to find out on my own? Second of all, it's shitty that the 9th graders are selling stuff to being with. They don't need the money, it's always been a 6th grade thing. So why would I even expect another grade to be doing something like that?

I'm just irritated. I'm trying to do all this nice stuff for my homeroom class and it feels like they just keep bringing me down. Like I sent her an email over a week ago asking if it would be okay for us to sell stuff during this special night we have at the school. No reply. And then just in this pissy email she says "oh the parents say you should sell things at the special night, you should probably talk with them"

Ugh. I'm tired of this shit.


Today is Valentine's day but for my SO and I it means a little more. On this day, two years ago, he moved in with me!!! We were talking about it yesterday and I'm still so shocked that he did that. That he left his job of 10 years, his family, his country, his friends... everything! To go to the USA and be with some girl. I mean that's freaking insane.

I love him so much

We're going to our favorite Lebanese place tonight for dinner. Falafel- yum! I'm also hoping he buys me flowers. The last few Valentine's days I told him to buy me flowers, and this time I'm seeing if he'll do it on his own. He's pretty good at that kind of stuff so we'll see

Happy lovers day everyone!