But it's not pissy! If you can believe that

Tonight I have to go back into school. I have a meeting with the parents of my clase guia. I think I mentioned before how 6th grade has to do lots of fund raising for their graduation party. We hurried and scheduled this meeting today so it would be before Noche Bohemia which was planned for next Friday. Well of course it turns out Noche Bohemia is canceled! So the rushed meeting was for nothing, but whatever. Better to go ahead and get it over with.

I'm a little bummed Noche Bohemia was canceled. It's basically a big party at the school. This year they were going to have this really popular Costa Rican salsa-y band called "Son de Tikizia" (basically means
"from Costa Rica") This band is such a good group that even my SO was planning on coming to the event! And that means a lot. I normally hate that my students and coworkers know anything about my personal life, but I was actually a little excited about showing off my sexy husband (!husband!) And since it was salsa band coming I was planning on showing off my (his) moves! Seriously, my SO is a fantastic dancer. I shit you not every party we go to (Latin music is obviously always played at parties here, no special "salsa club" needed) there is always a freaking LINE of women waiting to dance with him. I scored.


So here's a ridiculously random story. I got home from work today and I was petting my doggy and I realized she was COVERED in fleas. I felt so bad for her I stuck her right in the bath and gave her like a 20 minutes bath and probably pulled off at least 20 fleas. Then I took out all her stuff and spent a good 30 minutes spraying it with this really nasty, potent poison stuff that's supposed to kill fleas, ticks, etc. I told you that story to tell you this one- It made me realize that perhaps maybe one day I will want kids! Like, I came home and I was so concerned about my dog that I dropped everything to help her. I spent a lot of time digging out fleas from her butt and belly. And I thought that I would never, ever in my entire life do that for anyone else's dog. So it made me think, even though I don't like other people's kids, maybe one day I'll like my own. If I have them.

I told you that was random!

Here's another-

My SO and I both really want to exercise but we never have time. Well I have time, but I don't like to do things by myself. I know that sounds lame, but I'm better than I was before. In university I wouldn't even go to the grocery store by myself! I'm a weirdo. He also has time, but usually it's when we both have free time and then we like to have sex or drink beer. Anyways so my SO wants to do yoga because he has a really shitty back and it's the one thing I would do with him. I hate running and I've never enjoyed the gym. I've tried to convince him to do pilates because that's an actual work out and yoga is just sort of stupid (go ahead and tell me why it's not...) But in his opinion pilates is too girly, and yoga is just manly enough for him to go. He's so macho sometimes. Like this one time I purposefully took the last "man colored" towel so that the only one left was a pink one. Well instead of using the pink one, he just took my man colored one. So silly.

Anyways. So we're going to hopefully start going to yoga next week! I think yoga is sort of stupid because I'm already pretty flexible. I know that super advanced yoga is tough shit, but I'll never get to super advanced yoga because I'm not dedicated enough to do anything until the super advanced level. So we'll just be doing stretches that are easy for me. Whatever, I'm supporting my poor, old husband (!husband!) who has the back of a 90 year old man.

BIG NEWS- my SO and I are going to be submitting our visa application SOON! I'm talking next week or the week after! I'm so nervous that something will go wrong or we'll get denied or I don't know. So nerve racking. Oh and just FYI- us moving back to the US is super top secret stuff. The wedding was a secret, but this is super top secret! My SO is currently lying to his supervisor about how he's never going to leave Costa Rica.

And while planning the visa stuff we're planning a few trips! I've mentioned Cuba before- still trying to find a good way to go in July. Then once we get the visa and my SO quits his job we want to go to Peru for two weeks or so. I've been, but my SO hasn't and he wants to see Machu Picchu, which is the coolest thing I've ever seen so I'm totally cool with going back. Flights are way cheaper from SJO to Peru than USA to Peru, so we'll be going before we head back to the USA. And then once in the USA we're thinking of taking a road trip around until my SO gets his greencard. Then greencard in hand we might go to Eastern Europe for a month or so. I figure the best time to do all this traveling is while we're both in between jobs. Plus we'll be living with my mom so we won't have any expenses in the USA until we want them (ie- until we want to move out into our own place). I'm almost certain my SO will land a job pretty easily, and I know I can get one as well. So I'm not too worried about recovering all that money spent on travel.

Anyways. I gotta wash the dishes before I get my SO from work and head back to school for this lame meeting.

Have a good evening everyone!!!