I'm a little stressed out and I'm sick and extremely tired.

I hope as I type this out I fall into some sort of sleep-coma. I need it.

We're almost almost ready to send out our visa stuff. I want to send it out this week, so hopefully we can get it together.

But I'm freaking a little. On our marriage license it says "Mr. (SO's name) of (my hometown, home state, zip code)" instead of saying "San Jose, Costa Rica" So I'm freaking a little. I saw it when we got married but I didn't think much of it. I thought it was like a return address or something. But now I'm worried visa nazis are going to go ape shit and demand it be fixed. And of course if it needs to be fixed that will probably mean at least one of us, if not both of us, will have to fly to the USA and get it fixed. Arg.

But I suppose let's cross that bridge when we get to it?

My dad bought tickets to come visit at the end of May! I'm psyched. His wife will be coming too, it's her first time in CR. They're not coming for long, but it'll be nice. My SO and I will take off Friday and go travel with them for the weekend.

sleep coma coming on, will finish or delete altogether later.

Well that was certainly quite a sleep coma! My SO woke me up when he came home from work and he says "how long have you been asleep?"
me: "about two hours"
him: "so you don't know who died?"
me: "WHO DIED?"
him: "Hugo Chavez"

Wooooah I totally feel like I just woke up from some one-month coma.


So also my cousin is getting married. Well he's not quite my cousin, he's my mom's cousin, but since my family loves family so much we call each other cousins. He is freaking awesome. He's this ex-drugie/alcoholic failure guy who cleaned up his act about 10 years ago or so. Now he's finishing a degree in respiratory therapy! He's so much fun and doesn't mind being around my boozey family. He just drinks O'dools (the non-alcoholic beer). He lives in Boston so we call him "Boston Dave" (omg- Boston Dave- that's nicole's dog! bwahahaha!) He uses the word "cock" and "fuck" a lot and has a real strong Boston accent. So I love hanging out with him. So does my SO. So we're hoping that we find enough time to make it up to Boston for the wedding this year as well.

Of course that also makes me worry since we'll be in the middle of the visa process. And yes, it is okay to travel into the USA while in the process but no boarder guy ever has to let anyone in, even if the person has never done anything wrong. So that makes me worry as well.

This year here are our travel plans:
-End of May- travel with my dad around CR
-July- Cuba
-December- Peru
-Some other time during the year and I don't know when- Boston


We gotta make sure to separate my SO's vacation days properly so that we can go to all these places.

My SO is more and more ready every day to leave his job. They're firing tons of people. Just about every week they let more people go. Almost a month ago the company was supposed to pay this "unificacion" which is basically a bonus, and they haven't paid it yet. They're not letting people work extra hours anymore and are basically cheating people out of the money or time they deserve. My SO works for a snack food company, he designs and builds the machines. Sales are really bad right now because some company from Honduras is selling snacks super cheap because it's way cheaper to make shit in Honduras. My SO's company can't compete so they're having to let a lot of people go.

I'm sure if my SO wasn't || this close to quitting his job, he would be terrified. Right now, the company has only let go the plant workers (the people who package the snacks, etc). I sort of doubt they'll go into the "office". But I think if my SO does get fired, it might actually be nice. He could spend more time on his university. Plus, when you fire someone here you have to give them a HUGE settlement package. I'm talking like the rest of the years wages, plus extra plus something else. So we'd be fine financially for the year. But, ya know, then he wouldn't have a job.

I translated our lease into English today. It sucked.

I love when teachers walk into my classroom and say "oh, are they in a test/quiz?" I want to say "no, they just know how to behave in my class!"

I love teaching biology, it's so awesome

I'm sure this blog is incoherent. The first half was written while I was almost falling asleep and the second half was written while drugged up on Nyquil or some Costa Rican alternative. But I don't feel like reading it again. I bet it's boring as hell.

Last random thought-

I gotta say I sort of feel like a prick posting this "worried" blog after TwoThree since she's going through a way helluva lot more crazy shit than I am. I toast my giant mug of mint tea to her tonight. I hope things start to go your way.