The hair is gone! Hoorah! I thought I'd be a little sad, but I'm not at all. Just totally loving it. It was funny when I showed the lady the picture she was like "THAT SHORT?" Then when she was cutting it it was only about chin length and I was like "umm, is it going to be any shorter?" She says "you want it shorter?" Like it was the most absurd request in the world. She was awesome and kept telling me how great it looked, but I just think she wasn't used to taking off so much.

Before I got it cut the lady was backed up because some lady was unhappy with her hair color, so both my SO and I were offered a free detox service. I think that that sort of stuff is BS, but whatever it was free. And it was so disgusting!! What you do is you put your feet in some water, and they attach some magnet to your arm and put another thing in the water with your feet. They turn on the machine and the water your feet is in gets dirtier and dirtier until it's orange with black floaty things in it. SO GROSS. I guess those were the "toxins" in my body. Whatever My SO then thought about getting a pedicure (he's totally into them, don't tell him I told you though!!) but they didn't have room for him.

So the search for pilates is off. All the classes we could find were at like 8am, who the hell can go somewhere at 8am? Instead my SO has decided to train me in the gym. See he likes doing that kind of stuff. And I need someone there to push me. If I go to the gym by myself I'll dilly dally around for 45 minutes or so, maybe doing a little cycling and then just leave. But if someone is there to say "go do this" "no, don't stop" "quit being a baby and finish!" then I'm much more productive This trial will start in two weeks or so. We'll see how it works out!

Starting next week is the "negrera" or when my SO works extra. On Wednesday he'll probably have to stay until 10pm or so, and then he has to work late (until maybe 8pm or 9pm) every day until he's done with the project. Hopefully we'll get a few days so we can go to the beach or hang out or do something. We'll see.

I'm stressing over visa stuff and keep calling my mom to see if the check has been chased. She keeps going "everything is fine" but ahh... so nervous.

Anyways, I sort of feel like that's it for now.