On Saturday on our way to the feria I saw one of my old friends who teaches at a school nearby our apartment. He says "did you get my message?" No, I didn't. Well evidently the school where he works is in desperate need of a science teacher. This is the school I originally applied to back before moving down to CR and I was || this close to landing the job until an incumbent applied and he got it. I also sent in a resume this past December for what I think is the same position they need someone for now. Before, they told me they wanted someone with IB experience, which I don't have.

Anyways, my friend says they couldn't find any good candidates and ended up giving the position to a biology teacher from the UK who turned it down. So they're still looking. And my friend talked to one of the directors who said they would definitely consider my application.

Aaaaannnddd... my SO really thinks I should apply. First of all, it's walking distance away, my school now is about a 20 min car ride with a toll booth. Also, the new school (when I originally applied) offered me DOUBLE what I make now. I would have made more working at that school than I did in the USA, which is a ridiculous amount of money for Costa Rica. I'm talking like wealthy status.

Of course the thing is- I love the kids I work with in my current school. Man, they're so well behaved and just freaking awesome. We have so much fun. I also have a lot of freedom to what it is I want to teach. And in the new school I think I'll have to teach chemistry, which I've never taught before. I guess it'll look good on my resume to have taught chemistry (since in the USA I'm technically certified to teach all high school sciences), but I don't really like chemistry. And I've never taught it before so it'll be hard. And it'll be IB, which is even harder.

Finally, my friend mentioned how since I currently live in the country they might try to give me the "native packet", meaning paying me what non-foreigners make, which is probably around what I make right now, or less. The only way I would even consider switching is if I got paid that big, juicy amount.

I don't know... *sigh*

I guess I'll revamp my CV, send it in, and see what happens.