Last night I was talking with my SO and I told him the only real reason I would probably switch to the other school (if offered a job) would be because of the money so he could quit his job.

Well now I'm mad again and wanting to switch.

I just got in trouble for not being "caring" enough. That's such bullshit. I'm never going to be a "caring" teacher and I'm not going to pretend to be something I'm not. Lots of teachers here give hugs to kids, are "friends" with the kids, and act like their freaking mothers. That's not who I am. I don't like hugging kids and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. If they want a hug, there's 6 or 7 other teachers they can go ask for one. I serve a different role in the school. That doesn't make me a bad teacher. I'm a freaking great teacher. Kids love my class and they learn. Who gives a shit if I don't give out hugs?

Evidently parents are complaining that I'm not "involved" in the sales my homeroom class is doing. Damn straight I'm not involved. It's not my project! I assigned a committee of kids so they can organize stuff every week. They're selling to earn money for their graduation party. So this is their project. I'll be there to help when needed, give ideas, and support, but I will not organize stuff every week. They're not babies any more and I refuse to baby them.

I also will not solve their problems for them. "so and so is bothering me" well, figure it out! Either go away, stop talking to him, or ignore him. He'll stop! Sure, when someone's punching someone else I'll go get involved, but I will not be there to make all of their life decisions for them. One day they won't have mommy and daddy around. And if they don't learn how to solve things on their own, they're going to be in big problems.

I'm so upset that my director thinks she can judge my teaching by parent comments. She's never even been in my room to see me teach. And I've been there over a year.

The tico mentality is just so different than mine. I mean, the parents won't even let their 6th graders go to the mall by themselves. Seriously? I will not keep these kids on a goddam leash because their parents are freakshows. All the kids in my school are good, well behaved kids. Let them be! They'll be fine!

Ugh. Making me want to switch schools...