I have waited enough time so that my old blog was pushed to the next page. That's a good amount of time, right?

Well my director agreed to paying me more! Woo! She says she'll do whatever possible to keep me at the school. Good god I'm so relieved. I was losing sleep over this, seriously. She asked how much more I want and I replied basically $500 more/month. One of my coworkers makes $500 more than me and has actually been there for LESS time (I've complained about this before). She just wrote me back and said she thinks there's a misunderstanding and would like to talk about the salary personally on Monday. I bet it's because this coworker is a German teacher and therefore gets paid some by a German fund or something.

So I think I'm going to write back the new school and tell them "thanks, but no thanks". And hope I don't worry too much over the rest of the break (we're on Spring Break!)

Yesterday my SO and I bought tickets to Cuba!!! Woooooooo! We're going for real! July 1-11. We're planning on going to Havana, Trinidad, Santa Clara and Varadero. We might have to skip Santa Clara, but we'll see. In Cuba you can stay at casa particulares which are basically people's homes and they rent out rooms to travelers. They're more homey and cheaper, so we'll probably be staying in casas the whole time. Also, all casa owners know other casa owners in other cities. So my plan is to just book the first casa and then have them recommend other casas to us as we go. And we'll also be going to the all inclusive... We're such gluttons.

Yesterday I wanted to go buy some Cuba dresses and my SO looks at me like "seriously?" He says "you have TONS of dresses!" I was like "yeah, but they're all beach dresses!" He says "and where do you think we're going??" oh yeah.... So I probably won't go buy more. Some of them are uncomfortably short to me, unless I'm walking to/from a beach wearing my bathing suit. I might have to get at least one new one

I also want to ask what types of clothes women wear in Cuba. Because here, even when it's hella hot like it has been, people still wear pants! It's only the gringos who wear shorts and dresses! So even though you dress for the weather, you'll stick out like a sore thumb.

My SO is working today until Wednesday, then he'll have off. Today my SO is going to tell his boss our plans! How we've applied for the visa, and we'll be leaving Dec/Jan. Tomorrow my SO's sister's fiance is going to take us to this Mexican restaurant. There's no good Mexican restaurants here but evidently this is a good one. He should know, he's Mexican! So that'll be nice to get some yummy Mexican food.

Oh- visa shit. So on my application I listed our address here as our address. Well for whatever reason the letter gets sent to my mom's address in the USA. I called like 3 times to try to get it changed to our foreign address and they kept telling me "no, we have to mail in the USA" Which is BS because on Visa Journey tons of people file from abroad. And there's also this one person who was told to change her address to a USA address and a whole bunch of complicated bullshit ensued. So VJ people have told me to write to the ombudsman to see if they can help. If they keep my address as a USA address, I could potentially be called in for an interview, which is BS since I don't LIVE IN THE USA! Also, people who file from abroad are usually approved 3-4 months quicker than those who live in the USA.

The other day we were talking about kids briefly and my SO said, basically, he thought I would be a bad mother. And I told him that was mean and he said it was true! That I would get all stressed out and cry all the time because of the kid. I don't know, that kind of hurt my feelings. Not that we're planning on kids, but it would be nice for him to think that I'd at least be good at caring for an offspring.

Today I'm going to attempt to make my dog a doggy backpack!

Oh good god... have I become that person? Who loves their animals too much?

Have a good day everyone!