Last night when my SO got home from work we hung out for a little bit and asked about each other's days, like we always do. Then he asks, do you want to have sex?

Gah! I've told him so many times to not ask me. It drives me crazy and really puts me on the spot. Like that's the way to woo someone, right? I told him I was tired and he says "oh, so now you're tired?" He then went on to say he spoke to the nurse at his work who said she's never heard of younger woman having a low sex drive and that there must be something wrong with me.

I felt like shit. So after watching a show, and getting my thoughts together, I told him how I was feeling. How I feel so guilty and awful about my low sex drive and how I try so hard to still put in an effort. I told him I think about sex constantly, and not in a good way, more of a "well I guess today's the day" way. I told him he really hurt my feelings especially since I've been open about my thoughts on the situation.

He felt really bad and apologized, saying he was just trying to make a joke. Yeah, great joke. But then he said that we have to find a gyno and figure things out. He called his sister and his cousin to see if they could recommend anyone. He keeps making fun of me for wanting a female doctor like it's the most ridiculous request on the planet. He tells me "but they're doctors, they're experts in their field" And I get it. But look, you can be a white person who is an expert on African American studies but you'll never know what it's like to be black in America! Anyways, hopefully we'll find a female doctor, if we can't I'll go to a male doctor. And hopefully we can get some stuff solved. I don't know why we didn't do this a year ago. Better late than never I suppose? *sigh*

Anyways! Good news- FINALLY yesterday I was able to track down my director and speak with her. We made appointments for two days which she didn't keep and I started to feel like she just didn't give a shit about me. We talked and she explained she wants me to stay at the school but feels like I feel apart. Which I don't. I told her my SO thinks I'm insane for not jumping at the new school's offer and that's why I want a raise. It's not that I don't appreciate what she's done for me already (I did get a huge raise this year, my SO told me it's practically unheard of in Costa Rica) but this new offer is so tempting. She promised to give me something, we didn't mention numbers so if I don't hear anything by next week I'll probably go talk to her or send a quick email to see what we can agree upon.

Also, next Thursday is a day off and there is rumor around the school that the director might give us both Thursday AND Friday off! Which would be awesome. My SO should have Friday off (usually when a holiday lands on a Thursday they move it to Friday) so it'd be great to take a quick trip to the beach or something. Especially since we didn't go anywhere during Spring Break.

We have such a busy schedule for April! Next weekend we're hoping for a little beach trip. Then on the 20th we bought tickets to a beer festival which I'm really psyched about. Then the weekend after my SO's sister is getting married! (if they don't last minute change the date... again)

My birthday is coming in May and I told my SO I want to have a party with a mariachi. This is the last year my birthday will be in Costa Rica so I want a mariachi goddammit! Everyone needs to be serenaded wearing a big hat at least once in their life. I also straight out told him to buy me a necklace. He recently broke one of my favorites from Peru so I told him he owes me one. I've told him a couple times so hopefully he actually comes through. (not like Christmas where I told him I wanted earrings and he ended up deciding to buy me a pair of shoes. Which he never did, come to think of it. Shit! That means he didn't get me anything for Christmas! He owes me double! ) We're going to have it at my SO's mom's house because our place is just too tiny. I'm actually stupid worried that no one will show up. I'm trying to figure out if making a facebook event right now would be too premature... I want people to come. I want to feel like I have friends, ya know??

Finally- I've been really grooving loving my plants. In my 4th grade class we're studying plants and I'm trying to come up with a little garden project for them. I think it's so important for kids to experience nature and plants and stuff. Nowadays so much is computer based. It's good to get a little dirt under your nails every once in a while. We were supposed to do the color-changing celery lab today, but turns out I bought something that looks a hella lot like celery but isn't. It's called "mostaza china" (Chinese mustard). It's leafy and thick at the bottom so I hope it works just as well. We'll see!

I made some really good mashed potatoes last night and I'm excited about leftovers for lunch. Oh and I should be going back to the dentist tomorrow. I was having hot/cold pains in my tooth. I went in and she drilled out two of my teeth. I'm still having the pain, but honestly, I'm going to say it's gone away. I don't want her drilling out anymore of my teeth!! Here in CR they think the smallest little line is a cavity and they drill it out. I think it's better to wait for it to become a big cavity and then have it filled. Otherwise the integrity of your teeth are ruined.

Suppose that's it. Have a good day!