Well I should be teaching iambic pentameter in my English class right now, but they were stolen away for some stupid emotional intelligence thing. My first class was also stolen away, in the middle of a flower dissection. It'd be nice if they told me, ya know, maybe a day before so I could plan accordingly. Anyways. Blog time!

My SO and I had a great trip to the Caribbean! And we weren't robbed! HUZZAH! I mean, I doubted it would be a problem, but it makes me a little worried when soooo many people tell me how dangerous it is. We walked around at night (1am) without a problem. It was really beautiful. We had two great days with sun and a cloudy day. Which was perfect.

On the first night we went out and my SO realized the bar where we were had a pool table. So he spent hours playing the locals. I enjoyed watching because he was totally kicking their asses and they were all "what the hell! Who is this guy?!" I was being a good wife and bringing him drinks (free mojitos for ladies, they were shitty but whatever). We finally went home when he got beat after a 8 game winning streak. I don't like playing pool. I'm bad at it and I think it's boring.

The next night we went to a fancy dinner. We always like going to fancy dinners at least once while on vacation. We went to an Italian place which was FANTASTIC. The triamisu was incredible. We also had a Peruvian wine, I've never had wine from Peru before and it was quite tasty. Then we went home because I was so full.

The following night, I don't know why, but I was feeling grumpy. I did my best to hide it from my SO because he gets pissed when I get grumpy and that doesn't lead to anything good. We went back to the pool table bar and I was angry. I didn't really want to drink because I was full, and he promised me to not hang me out to dry that night. He was already playing pool! And I was sitting by myself, again. I was pissed and was about to tell him "I'm going home, you can come whenever you're done" But something happened. I think it was all the second-hand weed smoke I inhaled, but I started to have a good time. (I don't smoke. My SO does but I told him he's not allowed to while in the visa process. Seriously, he gets caught one time and he's never going to the USA again!) I got some drinks, and heard some gringos talking nearby. I went to hang with them while my SO played even more pool. There was also a really great band playing and I was dancing and having a great time. We eventually headed home (after grabbing some street-meat, YUM!).

When we went home to San Jose there was a really bad accident that blocked off the entire road (there's only one road). We were stuck there for two hours. I looked in the news today and some car ran over a moto and the guy died It only happened about 100 meters ahead of us. We eventually got on our way and I swear to god every freaking car was trying to kill us on the way home. Everyone was probably pissed to be in the traffic for so long so they were trying to make up time. This one time this guy was passing us on a one lane street (meaning he had to go into the on coming traffic to pass us) on a CURVE! Well of course a huge truck comes from around the corner and so this stupid SOB comes swerving into our lane. My SO had to swerve all out of the way to avoid him. Fucking douche. He wouldn't have just killed himself, he would have killed us! The traffic here is goddam insane.

I called my mom and she said she and her husband are thinking of retiring somewhere in South or Central America. She wanted to have my opinion. She said she was thinking about Nicaragua, she read that you could live really well there for $1000/month. I told her she'd live like a freaking king for $1000/month in Nicaragua! But for me, that's not a country where I would want to live. I mean the reason it's so cheap to live is because it's an extremely poor country. You live in a poor country, you get poor country problems. Like the water isn't potable, there's tons of street kids, the government is inept, etc etc. She's also thinking about Uruguay and Ecuador. She says if they move then my SO and I can have the house. She says we'd be in charge of taking care of the dogs and the chickens. Sounds like a good deal to me! We'll see how that works out.

I've also been thinking a lot about Italy (since the Italian dinner the other day). I really want to go to Italy. I want to learn the language. And I want to live there. I don't know why. Maybe I have some sort of crazy dream Italy imprinted on my mind, but I really want to go! I want to eat the food and drink the wine. I know there's more to Italy than gastronomy, but still. I want to go. My SO seems okay with the idea, but he's more of a planner less of a dreamer. I'm like "let's find a way!" He's like "what about jobs!" So it's nice to have him there as a reality checker. We'd have to wait until he has a US passport so he won't lose his residency in the USA. And that's 10 years! Ugh! I'd like to go before having kids, but in 10 years I'll be 36. That's pushing it for having biological kids. I don't know that I super want them, but I think I probably will later. My master plan is to birth a kid in Italy and that way I can get citizenship in Italy as well. It'd be nice to have an EU passport

Been thinking about kids lately because I talked with my friend the other day who is trying to get pregnant right now. I pointed to some screaming kids and said "and you want one of those?" She explained how she didn't really want a baby, but she wanted adult kids one day so she had to start with a baby. She said she's not the type of person who thinks a baby will complete her life or make her better, she just thinks it's a good time to have a kid or two. Maybe that's how I'll be. I mean, I was a great kid. And I'm fun to hang out with now. I want an adult kid, too! Who knows.

(just spent a few minutes looking up bilingual schools in Italy. One can dream right? That's the nice thing about my job and the bad thing about my SO's. I can basically go anywhere, teachers are always needed. But getting an engineering job is a little more difficult. Well if we save up enough dough in the next 10 years, maybe I'll just work and my SO can be a house husband. Alright, I'm getting way ahead of myself here...)

Well I think that's it for now. Have a good day!