(begin science nerd rant)

That's me evidently. My school got a microscope and I love it. It's a sweet piece of equipment. And I am guarding it like it's my own spawn.

Partially because I don't trust the children, partially because I don't trust the other science teachers. I have had to teach every single one of them to use the damn thing. That makes me sad, ya know? How am I the only damn person who knows how to use a freaking microscope? We have two elementary science teachers who obviously only teach science because they speak English (science is taught in English). So I kind of give them a break. But even the guy who has been teaching physics/chemistry for YEARS had no idea how to use it. When we first got it he told me the lady would come in to show me how to use it. I was like, uhh why? It's a microscope, not rocket science. The most complicated thing was loading the camera software. I know that you don't really use a microscope for chemistry or physics, but at some time during his career he had to have come in contact with one. I mean I'm a biology teacher but I know how to set up a distillation.

Today a teacher wanted to use it, so I gave her the microscope. Ten minutes later another science teacher asks me to go help her use it. I get down there she has the freaking slide on sideways. WTF? How do you even do that? Then she asks me how to look at bugs and feathers with the microscope. Well you can't. You need a dissecting microscope for that. I mean how the hell was she expecting to put a bug underneath a compound microscope?? I guess I just figured those people teaching science had some sort of science background. Silly me I guess.

Also one teacher wants to let her kids actually touch and look through the microscope! Even though we have a camera you can attach and generate the picture onto the computer. She teaches first grade and has NO CONTROL over the kids at all. I'm so worried they're going to gunk up my microscope with grape jelly and boogers. That's what children are covered in, ya know. I know I'm being stingy, but to me a first grader isn't going to understand a microscope to begin with. Give them a magnify glass and they can look at all sorts of cool stuff. But a microscope? That's 400 times what it looks like normally. They won't understand cells or anything. So why chance them ruining a $2000 piece of equipment? I'm so worried those nasty kids are going to destroy my beautiful microscope.


(end of nerd rant)

Still haven't gotten paid yet, was supposed to get paid Monday. We're not in need of the money, we don't live paycheck to paycheck, but I am anxious to get paid to see if the last amount is going to be the same amount this time. My director took all the foreigners (the ones who get paid the most) into her office to apologize and explain the situation. She says at the latest next Thursday. So I'm still waiting to see if I got a crazy raise or not!

Tomorrow I'm going to the roller coaster park with the 7th, 8th and 9th graders. I'm psyched! They'll be doing a physics thing for about 2 hours, then we get the rest of the day to ride rides! Although I hear it's a pretty lame park. Ticos keep asking me why I haven't been yet and I keep lying and saying "oh I haven't had time". But in reality it's because I freaking love coasters and I don't want to waste my time on lame carnival rides. I guess we'll see what it's like, but I'm not expecting much.

Also last night my SO asked if I get May 1 off, which of course everyone does here (it's Labor Day). He says "good, so we can celebrate our anniversary on April 30" I was like "what anniversary?" I'm trying to figure out what he's talking about and he says "the anniversary of us meeting!" What? I mean, I love an excuse to dress up and eat fancy dinners, but that seems sort of silly to me. I told him so and he says "it's not silly, it was the most important day of my life" awwwwwwwwwww So now next Tuesday we'll be going out to celebrate meeting four years ago.

Today we're going to a fancy store to get my SO a new shirt and tie for the wedding on Saturday. His sister was supposed to bring me some shoes yesterday, but she forgot. I'm not that concerned, I'd rather just wear the ones I have. They're not perfect, but it seems like there won't be a lot of chairs where we're going so I'll probably end up in flip flops anyways!

Okay well this boring ass blog seriously needs to come to an end. Almost the weekend everyone!!!