But not for the USA. And not even for my family. I miss my friends.

Last night I was telling my SO some stories about me and my girlfriends back home and it made me miss them so much! And the other day I saw a group of girlfriends out to lunch and it made me sad I don't have that anymore. I have friends here, sure. But not call-you-up-see-how-you're-doing-just-cuz-I'm-bored type of friends.

I think one of the main things standing in my way is transportation. All my "friends" here are really spread out, and in order to get to them I'd have to drive. And in order to drive here, you need to know where you're going. Only about two months ago did they put up street signs. Roads are confusing and magically end or turn and the next thing you know you're on your way to Nicaragua. In the USA when I'm going somewhere new I google maps it, write down the directions, and GO. Driving here is stupid hard.

So yeah, I'm missing my girlfriends. I think one of the worst parts about it is my three best friends from the USA aren't on facebook. I mean what the hell? Well, two at least have an account, even though they hardly ever use it. One doesn't even have a facebook. How am I supposed to keep up with you? Yeah sure, letters, emails, skype calls. But just get on facebook goddamit!

I miss getting dressed up to go out with my friends and then complimenting each other on how cute we look. Having inside jokes and history. I feel like I've almost relied too much on my SO instead of branching out. I love my SO and he's a freaking blast to hang out with, but I really need to leave him behind every once in a while.

And I did have a friend. But she moved to the other side of the country.

I also think I'm spending way too much time on LFAD. It feels like you guys are my only friends. So that's why I write so many blogs, because it feels like I'm chatting with my friends. But I think it's too much and I need to cut back.

I don't know. I'm just feeling lonely these days. And I can't even call my mom. She's in California with my sister hiking the PCT for 3 weeks.

I think I'll call my friend back home today. I think I just need someone to gossip with.