Seems like everyone is getting ready to go on vacation doesn't it?

Yesterday my SO and I booked our hotel for Varadero! We're normally really frugal and like to stay at $12 hostels and what not, but for Varadero we figured what the hell. It's only two nights, and in the grand scheme of things $150/night is really not that much for a 5 star hotel. After much searching, that was the cheapest one I could find. It seems nice, although some reviews are like "the towels weren't perfectly white" which I guess in a 5-star hotel you would want it to be. But unless we wanted to spend $300+/night, we were kind of going to get a not-perfect hotel. Which is cool. I'm just excited about the "free" booze. Not that I'm a lush or anything. This is where we're going.

Which reminds me the reason we get to splurge on the all inclusive is because I did get a raise! Woo!!! I was supposed to get paid two weeks ago, and instead on Saturday I got paid a full month. With a $500 raise. Yippee! Not the $1000 I would have got in the other school, but I'm damn happy with that. I mean what I get paid right now is basically unheard of in Costa Rica. In fact, I'm almost getting paid as much as I made in the USA! So our Cuba trip gets paid for in three months!

My dad and his wife (I guess I should start calling her stepmom) are coming to visit in a few weeks! My dad has been to Costa Rica before, but my stepmom hasn't. Neither of them have met my SO's family. They're not staying for long, but it'll be lots of fun. We're going to a beach I've never been to before called Dominical. The hotel we're staying at has lots of cool excursions. My dad and stepmom are really into birding and there's a full day birding tour from the hotel. So my SO and I can enjoy the day at the beach while they go look at birds all day! Then we'll come back to San Jose and my dad and my stepmom will probably go on another birding tour to another National Park that's close to San Jose. (Costa Rica has tons of National Parks) All this reminds me that I need to take off the Friday that they'll be here.

My SO told me that his friend broke up with his girlfriend over something that happened on facebook. Evidently the friend wouldn't tell my SO exactly what was said, but this friend wrote a comment on a picture of a girl and someone told the girlfriend who got pissed and broke up with him. They're back together now, but good god. Are you shitting me? I mean maybe he said something like "Banging you was so great last night!" but I think facebook shit is so crazy. I'm on facebook a lot, but I don't get jealous if my SO doesn't comment on my picture or "likes" someone else. It seems so freaking juvenile to me. I swear the instant facebook, or any social media, starts to jeopardize my relationship I will leave it in a heartbeat.

My birthday is next Monday! Woo! I'm having a party this Saturday. I've invited some friends over and my SO's family will be there. I also want to invite a few people from work, but I can never seem to get them alone. I don't want all the people there, so I don't want to say something to one of them in front of the others. I have a week to get it together.

I've told my SO repeatedly that I want a necklace. We'll see what he comes up with!

OH! And I just bought a ton of clothes online! I shipped them to my mom's house and she's going to give them to my dad so he can bring them down for me. I also have a full month to return them and he said he'd return what I don't like or doesn't fit or whatever. Perfect!

I'm trying to think of the next book to read with my English class. We just finished Romeo and Juliet. I don't know if I should do another Shakespeare or do something like The Great Gatsby, since the movie is coming out. I worry the Great Gatsby might have too much American culture in it. I guess we could study that first. Confession- I've never even read the Great Gatsby. We were supposed to read it in school, but I was such an ass hole in high school I didn't read it. So that'd be another thing- I'd actually have to read the damn thing.

Maybe Animal Farm. It's boring, but I actually know that story.

Anyways. That's enough for now. I need to make some time to read Zephii's blog.

Have a good day!

(Oh I just wanted to add a gripe- I have had two of my friends now ask me for money to fund their international travel. You know those Go Fund Me sites? One is going to Ecuador for Medical Spanish and the other to Mozambique to build houses or something. I don't know, it just sort of pisses me off. If you want to go to Ecuador or Mozambique, find the money! I don't plan trips to places I can't afford and then expect other people to give me money for it. I think they expect me to contribute since I live abroad and know how awesome it is. But they are wrong. Wrong. Wrong. [end gripe])