I'll probably be less angry in a bit, but I have a few minutes to write so I will.

Why do people think they have free range to make fun of America/Americans whenever the hell they feel like it? Look, I'll be the first to admit the country and the people are not perfect, but nowhere in the world is. I don't know why people think they can talk shit and then not expect me to stand up for my country? I'm no "USA USA USA" person, but I am patriotic. At the same time, if someone talked shit about Costa Rica I would have an issue.

One of my facebook friends posted this link about what Americans don't know about America. It pisses me off because why the fuck do you make giant generalizations like this about an entire population? The USA is so freaking enormous with tons of cultures and ethnicity and immigrants and backgrounds. How can you possibly say "everyone in the USA is like this"?

Maybe I'm bias (okay, I'm definitely am) but shut the fuck up about my goddam country. I think a lot of the stuff in the article is backwards. For every person I know who fits this profile I could name two or three who don't.

Don't post shit and say "yup, all Americans are like this" Don't make generalizations about my culture, my country or my people. Especially since you have not lived there.

And why is it that the USA is the country who always gets shit talked? I mean, sure we're in errbody's bid-ness. I get it. We stick our noses in other people's business all the time. I get it that we ask for it more than occasionally. But there's never been a time I've seen something written about how "[insert other nationality] sucks/doesn't know shit/is stupid/is awful/is wrong"

The USA is awesome. Is it the only awesome country? OF COURSE NOT. Is it perfect? HELL NO. But stay the fuck away from your constant shitty generalizations. Or I will stab a bitch.

It's almost like if I have a crazy ass aunt, I can make fun of her all I want. But the moment you say anything, I'll get offended as hell.

I can take a joke, you guys know I can. I'm rude and crass. But there comes a time when you need to back the fuck off.

The end.