My birthday is always near USA Mother's Day.

Yesterday I had my little party. I was a little bummed since almost half the people I invited backed out last minute. It made me feel a little homesick since I know soooo many more people back home. I mean when I would have parties back home TONS of people would show up. Here I invited like 12, and 6 made it. It was actually sort of mixed emotions. My SO's parents made such a big deal out of the whole thing, put up balloons every where, let us use their house, everything. So it made me think about how much I'm going to miss them when we leave. And of course it made me sad that my friends back home weren't there.

So yeah, it wasn't the loudest most awesomest drinkingest party I've had, but it was nice. One of my friends came really late and brought THREE bottles of rum. She also brought these pipas (sweet coconuts) and we chopped off the tops and poured in the rum. It was fabulous. My SO got me a mariachi! (which I requested, but I'm glad he remembered!) I felt like I needed one before I left Costa Rica!

(I'm sure some of you have seen these, but anyways...!)

(they always give the birthday person the charro!)

So yeah, nice party.

Now today is USA mother's day! My mom is with my sister hiking the PCT for a few weeks so I can't call her and talk. So I decided to put up some pictures of my mom onto facebook, like everyone does. And now I'm all homesick My mom is so freaking awesome (I know everyone thinks this about their moms, and you should!) She's been in California for two weeks already and I really miss calling her. She'll be home in a week or so.

I'm also feeling like I should call my dad to see if he's with his wife. I guess I should wish her a happy mother's day as well! I really like her a lot. And she totally hit the stepmother jackpot! She didn't have to do any work, but ended up with three well adjusted, smart, independent kids. Nicely done, I say!

My SO is doing the dishes right now. Our cleaning lady canceled on us today. I'm doing some laundry. We'll probably bum around the house all day today. Yesterday was a bit hectic getting everything together. I'm also nursing a bit of a rum headache...

Tomorrow I'm going to bring brownies in for my birthday. All the kids know it's my birthday. Last week I had them make me birthday cards during class. They LOVE it. I also specifically told them all I want is homemade birthday cards, because they're really damn funny. I'm hoping no kid buys me anything, that always makes me feel a little awkward and almost abuse of power. BUY ME PRESENTS! I like homemade cards. These kids in 8th grade somehow started joking about how they were going to put "Will you marry me.. PSYCH!" inside the card. I was like "umm, that's not funny, just inappropriate" So hopefully no one will do that. That would be super weird. Stupid preteen boys.

My dad is coming in two weeks! I bet that will help my homesickness. I planned on taking off May 24 so that I could go travel with him. Then all of a sudden it's sounding like the Noche Bohemia is that day. Well shit, why the hell do they do this? They haven't sent out a notice or anything. Just word of mouth is saying it's that day. So I quick sent my director an email about taking that day off, pretending like I didn't know about Noche Bohemia. Hopefully I don't get in trouble. I mean I specifically planned for that weekend because nothing was planned at school! But man do they like to spring things on you.

Well I suppose I better go clean up poopy backyard so my SO doesn't think I'm a total lazy bitch.

Have a good Sunday!