Preaching to the choir, right? Or maybe more like "you live with him, shut your freaking mouth I have no sympathy for you".

But still, I miss him. Since he's started this diff eq class we've had very little couple time together. He's at work all day, goes to university at night, and on the days he doesn't go to university at night he's studying. By the time he gets home at night or finishes studying, I'm ready to go to bed. So we might watch one TV show together while I fall asleep. And that's really it.

We used to cook dinner every single night together. After dinner, we'd go sit on the couch and have a glass of wine and talk. On weekends we would go into town to get ceviche and walk around.

Now it's turned into me making dinner by myself for him when he gets home late or while he studies. Or him picking up sandwiches on the way home. We'll eat quick, both exhausted, and then go to sleep.

We also used to have breakfast together. This is my fault. Three days a week I can sleep in for an extra hour because of my schedule. So my SO gets up by himself and I wake up right as he leaves. I need to start waking up with him, even though the extra hour of sleep is pretty great.

We haven't had sex in about two weeks due to my SO having to spend so much time studying. Which I guess is giving me a taste of my own medicine. It's making me realize that although I might not have desires to have sex, having sex is really damn important to me. I feel such a lack of the physical part of our relationship. Every night now I'll go to sleep lying on my SO's shoulder because I need some sort of contact. I miss the intimacy.

It's starting to get nice and cool with the rain finally coming. I want nothing more than to spend an evening curled up in a blanket with my SO watching the rain fall. Just being together, happy.

I know this is a temporary thing. I don't really need advice. I needed to write this down and get it out. I just have to wait this thing out. It'll get better. I'm looking forward to our Cuba trip. That'll be so much together time I'll probably look forward to these Thursday's home alone.
