So I will. I'm sure a flood of blogs will come right after mine, so I'll get it started

Last night we went to my SO's cousin's wedding. It was beautiful. The church had so many flowers in it you could smell the lilies from 8 rows back. The reception was also held in a really nice area and they had fireworks. Like big fireworks, I'm not talking stupid bottle rockets. These were professional fireworks. I have no idea how they afforded everything. Maybe they've been saving for years? I mean this couple is not a wealthy couple, but man did they put on a show.

And now I'll give a warning- religion rant! Specifically to Catholics...

Of course the ceremony was Catholic. It lasted a full hour. UGH! And it started an hour late because the priest showed up late. My SO was all "I need a drink after spending two hours in church" I've been to a Catholic wedding before, so I knew what to expect. I knew we would get the "SINNERS! YOU'RE ALL SINNERS!" speech. But man this priest was harsh! He was scolding us. Not directly at us, but he kept saying "if you don't build your relationship upon God your relationship is DOOMED! DOOOOOOMED!" He talked about how awful the world is now that people are not accepting God into their lives. And then, you know how Catholics like to stand/sit/kneel a lot, instead of being like "please stand" he would go "STAND UP!" Damn dude.

Luckily, I went to Episcopal church for a few years growing up so I knew a lot of the "things" you have to do during church. My mom likes to say Episcopal's are "Catholic lite". I agree with that!

Then I realized I forgot to ask my SO something- communion! I forgot that you have to take communion during a Catholic wedding. It dawned on me and I was like crap! Do we have to take communion? My SO immediately told me "no, we're not allowed to since we don't believe" (My SO knows all the rules and stuff since he was actually on track to become a priest as a teenager!) But I always feel super awkward when communion comes up and I'm the only person not going. Luckily, when communion did come, only about half the church went up. *phew* (side story- reminds me of when I went to a fellow teacher's funeral and I went to take communion to be respectful since everyone else was doing it and I'm used to taking the wafer and dipping. Well I had my wafer ready to dip and the guy told me I was not allowed to! I was so embarrassed. And it was also real gross to drink after 50 people. *ugh*)

There was also a part where you have to kneel, and my SO said we're not allowed to kneel either. Gosh I'm so glad he knew all the rules!

Well anyways, the ceremony was finally over. We gave two of Oscar's cousins a ride to the reception and on the way over we were commenting on how much we wanted to drink. That's when the cousin says "well it's BYOB" WHAT?! Hold the phone. No one ever told us that! I don't mind bringing my booze, that's super expensive to provide to so many people, but you gotta let me know! So we get to the reception, drop off the cousins, then go back to a store to buy a few bottles of wine.

The reception was really fun, although I do wish they had played less reggaeton and more salsa/merengue/etc. I love dancing with my SO! My SO kept making little comments like "oh they're doing that this way" and such. I was finally like "this is their wedding and it's exactly the way they want it. We're not here to judge" I also felt super fancy in my "mullet dress" as Dzbuika called it. I think it was more like a cape! I was walking around and it was flowing behind me, I felt like a superhero!

Took a picture with the woman of the family and I look like a giant. Check it out

I'm only 5'8''!

Oh- one last thing that was super funny. They got my name wrong. They must have taken it off facebook because not only on the invitation, but also on the seating chart I was "Signe Zombie"

Have a good Sunday!