(this section is somewhat gross, mostly inappropriate and definitely TMI)



When my SO and I move into a new place in the USA, I know what we need. TWO BATHROOMS. Of course the stereotype is that women take so long in the bathroom, but good god does my SO spend a lot of his life in that little room. I've realized it more these days because I've been a little sick and I'm drinking tons of water. So I've needed to go pee like every hour or so. My SO takes multiple 15 minute dumps a day and I just can't handle it! I've had to go pee outside in the yard more times than I want to admit in these past few days because of it. He'll be 10 minutes in and I just can't hold it anymore! Or he'll wake up in the middle of the night (thus waking me up) to go to the bathroom. Now that I'm woken up, I'll realize I need to pee too. But I'll have to wait a good 15 minutes for him to get out. Now that I've been awake, needing to pee for 15 minutes I'm unable to get back to sleep. Ugh! TWO BATHROOMS!!

(end potty stories)

This weekend my family is having a big party for one of my cousin's graduation and my grandma's 80th birthday. My aunt is hosting it and she decided to have it in a barn, where no alcohol is allowed! WHAT THE HELL? I'm angry for my family! Now it wouldn't be a big deal if my family didn't drink, but good god does my family drink. One of my other aunts (my mom has 9 brothers and sisters) posted a video on facebook of I guess them at the party? They're playing bocce ball, and man am I glad I'm not there. There's no music, no booze, just a whole bunch of frumpy white people standing around. Party of the century I tell ya.

My friend just posted a picture on facebook of her and a little girl with the caption "Mi Amiga! Love this little girl! hashtag: hispanicChick" And I'm sort of feeling like that's a little racist. I mean would it be okay for me to post "My sistah! Love this gurl! hashtag: blackgirl"

Okay I obviously have nothing to write about. I just didn't want to write an entire blog about the toilet.

I'm done now.