That I get home from work early and my SO goes to university until very late, that I do way too much thinking. I should just turn on the TV and not think about anything except for how awesome it would be if the world *actually* had magical machines that solved crimes for you. Or better yet, do something with my time. Like go SWIMMING.

But I'm not. I'm thinking. And here's what I'm thinking about, for anyone who cares to know.

Settling down. This has been a fear of mine for a long time. Yet here I am, freaking married and with a dog. It's pretty awesome, I don't feel like I'm tied down. We have plenty of fun and go on plenty of trips.

But I still worry about getting "stuck". Like on my teacher forum there's teachers who are like "I've been at my same school for 15/20/25 years" HOLY SHIT! Is that going to be me? Am I going to one day be the old lady who has only ever taught one thing at one school? I'm so young I simply cannot imagine doing much of anything for that amount of time (well except for being alive, I've done that for longer than 25 years ) When I hear couples celebrating their 30th anniversary... HOLY SHIT! Is that going to be me one day? Thirty years with just one guy? (not complaining, I love my SO but the mere thought of being with him so long is sort of mind blowing to me)

I've mentioned before about how I want to live in Italy for a few years (because I repeat shit constantly). Never been there. Don't know why Italy. Well, I have a few reasons. First, I want to learn Italian. In two years I'd at least pick up enough to get by, even without lessons. And second, I want to travel Europe. It's too damn expensive to fly from another continent every time I want to go. I want to be there for a few years, see Greece and Czech Republic, Turkey and Russia, Switzerland and Belgium. Poland and Finland I want to see sooo many places. And my poor SO has never even been to Europe! I want to explore those places with him. I want to get lost and frustrated and learn more about the world and history and culture and myself.

My SO was so resistant to this idea at first. But now he'll say "so when we're living in Italy..." I love him.

So! One more year for residency. Then three years until citizenship. Then we gotta get out of the USA! We have to see more places. It's almost hard for me to imagine staying in one place for more than 5 years anymore. Why would I do that when I have an opportunity to be somewhere new? And I'm so damn young with nothing holding me down!

I'm so excited about the prospect of all this that I started looking up apartments in my hometown, USA for when we move back in whenever next year. I found a great little apartment where the bathroom and bedroom aren't connected (my pet peeve! If I have guests I don't want them wandering in my bedroom to get to the bathroom! And I don't want my bedroom smelling like shit!). I'm so excited to get moving again.

And then because I'm excited again. I go and look up international schools in Italy. I'm loving it. Almost every school wants 3 years experience (check!), international experience preferred (check!) and "being a caring teacher blah blah blah" (something I can fake!). What I really need to do in these three years in the USA is get IB training because lots and lots of international schools like that. It'll be a pain in the ass, but it'll be worth it. (are you kidding me? This school in Florence looks freaking adorable!)

Okay let me stop now because this has been a whole lotta nothing. I need to look up Vinales for our Cuba trip.