Today in my 6th grade science class all the boys were missing. I had planned on starting new material, but obviously couldn't with half the class gone (they went to talk to the lame-ass psychologist for whatever reason). So I decided it was a good time to have a rap session with the girls since I had been told I needed to get closer to them and what not.

And man those girls make me laugh! We talked about all sorts of stuff. Most of it was them asking about me. See, I try very hard to keep my personal life out of the workplace. I don't really enjoy having friends at work (although exceptions have been made since otherwise I would HAVE NO FRIENDS here!), and I don't like sharing personal information with students. I'm great at giving really vague answers to just about any personal question. "Where do you live?" -Costa Rica. "How old are you?" -old enough. "Do you have any tattoos?" -do you see any? "Do you have a boyfriend?" -does it matter?

But I let down my walls today, a little. I told them I was married and they even guessed my SO's name just by giving them the first letter. Evidently the other week when our car got broken into a teacher mentioned "...her husband's credit cards got stolen" and all the kids were confused about the "husband" part. They were insistent on meeting him and I promised to bring him to graduation. They're all excited. I'm sure my SO will be just as pleased

At one point they said "are you going to move back to the USA?" I told them "maybe one day" And they said "okay, but after we're in college right?" I just laughed.

It made me think how much I'm going to miss these freaking kids! I mean the school is sort of give or take. But the kids are awesome. I know there's lots of awesome kids in the world and I'll enjoy some other kids as well, but I'm really going to miss those guys. They're the reason I didn't take the offer from the other school a few months back.

I know I recently wrote a blog about how antsy I am to get moving again, and I am. But I still really wish we could stay for just one more year. My school pisses me off, but teachers never teach for "the school". They do it for the kids. And my kids are awesome. Awesome.