I knew vacation would be here before I knew it. Thursday is our last day of classes. One of my homeroom kids, who I really like a lot, is leaving the school. It makes me sad, she was the only girl from the USA and I liked how she was picking up my country accent. We'll be having a little surprise party for her on Thursday, which will be nice.

On Friday there are no classes, but we have to go to the recital for the kids. Which is worse than having classes. Good god it takes HOURS and is SOOOOOOOOOOO boring. Imagine five hours of recorder playing, piano, violin and singing by kids from 1st grade to 9th grade. It's like fucking torture. I'm sure even the parents hate it because their kid is only on for maybe 10 minutes, then they have to sit through all the other awful music before they can leave. I think there are some very talented kids at the school, but we all know they're not all talented.

I was finally able to confirm our flights for next Monday!!! The website wasn't working for a long time, but I got through today. Super psyched. I also made reservations for a casa particular for the first 3 nights. We figure if we like it we'll stay longer, and if not we can find another place. There are no shortages of casas. We're still not 100% sure what our plan is, but we'll play it by ear. If we want more time in Havana we'll stay. If we get bored, we'll leave. It's that easy

So my SO totally snitched on me this last Saturday. I haven't told the school I won't be coming back next year, and he was talking to my boss and said "yeah we're moving to the states next year" I heard him and was like in my head. I asked him about it later and evidently he realized as soon as he said it that it was bad, and attempted to take it back like "well, maybe not this year, we're not sure. In a few years or so" Geeze louise thanks dude

I was talking with a coworker today about the USA and man he made me homesick. His sister lives there and he really wishes he could live there but he was like "unfortunately I married a tica so I'm stuck here" umm sorry? Anyways, his talk of fall and spring and working roads and infrastructure made me all homesick. I haven't been home since December. It's making me want to book a ticket in October or something. So pretty in October!! I miss fall!

One of my friends from college is so annoying to me. I need to take her off my newsfeed. She's so... ugh. She's all into yoga and being natural and being an artist and shit. But it's so fake to me! I mean how are you going to preach saving the environment, yet you drink bottled water? (please let me know if you drink bottled water where potable water is available from the tap, so we don't have to be friends anymore) I lived with her in college and it's like she has this outward appearance of being "earthy" but she doesn't actually do shit. She'll get bamboo printed shower curtains, and buy Fiji water. And run the water while she brushes her teeth. Buys super expensive clothing. Everything is funded by her parents who are ridiculously wealthy, she's never had to do anything on her own. Drives me crazy. Anyways, now I guess she's becoming a elementary teacher because her masters in Fine Arts didn't get her a job (surprise surprise). And it pisses me off. I mean I went to school to be a teacher, and no, I didn't learn how to teach in my college classes. I guess it's more of anything this girl does pisses me off. And she's a TERRIBLE artist. She just draws the same girl with flowers and butterflies in a 100 different colors. (I'd post a picture but my facebook is being stupid today)

Anyways, lemme stop hating.

Think I'm going to make potatoes al gratin for the esposito tonight. I love making new recipes when he's around to help I've made potatoes al gratin before, but he's never had them and who doesn't love potatoes soaked in butter and cheese??!! I think I'll also make some steamed veggies and tuna burgers to attempt to health-ize the meal a bit.

Have a good evening! Sorry to not have read the other blogs, there were so many and they were so long I got overwhelmed and just skipped them all. I promise I'll read your next ones