Geeze someone else needs to blog! So I'll do it!

I'm hoping that this Thursday I'll finally go get a tattoo I've been wanting for years now. We have Friday off, so I thought it was good timing to let it heal a bit over the weekend before heading back to school. I'm excited because it's the first tattoo that would actually mean something to me. The other ones were just for fun.

I finally decided on the spot, well my SO helped me! I want to get it on the inside of my right foot, right under my ankle. I have another tattoo in the same spot on my left foot. This area:

My original idea was to get the words "Keep Living" with an umbrella coming out of the "g" in living. Like the bottom of the "g" would be the handle of the umbrella. Like this umbrella.

But I'm worried the area is too small and maybe I should just do the umbrella? It would be in all black.
