I have nothing to write about, yet it all seems so important. I'm having a bad morning. It's just a whole bunch of petty shit that has built up and is now like

Noodle 1: I'm angry at Costa Rica right now. Almost every day is awesome, but some days are like WHY DO YOU SUCK SO BAD COSTA RICA??!! Last night our neighbor got robbed at 6pm while walking home. Granted, it is dark at 6pm, but still. It was near the US embassy which I mention only because it's like the most guarded place in the entire country. The president's house isn't as guarded as the US embassy. And it's near a highly transited area. It sucks that you can't walk through a nice neighborhood at 6pm without getting robbed. It really does.

And these goddam POTHOLES! What the fuck?? Build your roads right THE FIRST TIME. And when you fix them, fix the whole goddam road! Why is it that a pothole is more likely to be filled with rocks and sticks by random people than filled correctly by the fucking government? UGH!

And quit letting junkies sell government metal! Junkies will steal manhole covers and street signs to sell for $$ to buy crack. Well it should be a felony to be in possession of such items and the metal company should not be allowed to buy it. Maybe that way there wouldn't be GIANT FUCKING HOLES all over the road and no stop signs where there should be.

Noodle 2: I can't swim on the team. I didn't think it bothered me that much, I mean it's been years since I was on a team. But last night I had a dream about being on the team and doing so well and yeah, it is bothering me. It was going to be so perfect! Now I keep thinking I should have lied and said I was an ex-alumni and no one would have been the wiser. I think what bothers me the most is I finally had something for me. Not for my SO, not for us, just me. It was going to be my thing. *sigh*

Noodle 3: Work. My director makes me crazy. First of all- she never answers emails and is impossible to get a hold of. Awesome. Second- she's desperately trying to organize this trip for the 9th graders to go to Germany for A MONTH . And they're supposed to leave in... I don't know three or four WEEKS. Nothing is planned, tickets are not bought, and no one has the money ($1500/kid, which is like 2 month's salaries) So she's throwing together this stupid concert by the music teachers, at the school, and the tickets are TWENTY DOLLARS each. For twenty dollars I better be seeing a freaking group I've heard of. And there better be 3-4 drinks included.

Each kid has to sell ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY of these tickets to go. In order to do that she decided to assign each 9th grader to a class and divvie out the tickets and make each kid IN THE SCHOOL responsible for selling them. Which I think is bullshit. If those fucking 9th graders want to go on a trip it's their goddam responsibility to raise the money. Not me, not the other students.

So this morning I get an email saying that my class (6th grade) didn't get the tickets to sell. My director asks what I am going to do about it. Jack shit. That's what I'm going to do. It's not MY RESPONSIBILITY! If that 9th grader is so lazy and so lame that she can't remember to give out the tickets that will get her a trip to Germany, so be it. She won't go. That's not my fucking problem and you know what? I don't give a shit whether she goes or not.

Everything is so poorly organized and terrible. Raising of money should have started at least a year ago, if not more. When I was in high school I went to London with my theater group. You wanna know how I paid for it? My mommy and daddy didn't pay. I didn't ask for fucking hand outs. I had a goddam job and worked until I had enough money saved up to go. These kids are old enough to have jobs, GET ONE! When I was in high school EVERYONE had a job. And if you didn't have a job, you at least babysat or walked dogs or cut lawns every once in a while to get some money for stuff. Why is it that it's someone else's job to give money to these kids WHO AREN'T EVEN GIVING OUT THE TICKETS to go on a vacation.

And you wanna know who is going with them? My director. Who not only doesn't speak German, she doesn't even speak English. So awesome. She can rely on the students to translate everything for her.

Noodle, what number is this? Sometimes I feel like my SO doesn't respect my job. He does say I'm a great teacher (not that he knows), but he never tells me that he thinks I'm working hard. Yes, I have awesome hours and get home early. No, I don't have to work weekends. Yes, I have great vacations. Yes, I get paid quite well for Costa Rica. But teaching is not just playing around all day. I know my SO has a hard job, I recognize it every day. But he never even hints to the fact that I have to work hard. Last night I mentioned I was burning out a little. And he says "oh that's so great you get to "burn out" regular people don't get that opportunity. They don't get vacations like you" I tried to explain that I was tired of being so creative all the time. I have to come up with new things to do every day. And sometimes activities you work so hard on don't work out at all and you have to come up with something else on the fly. He says "yeah me too." OKAY FUCK IT. Your job is hard and mine is shit. I get it.

Noodle # last noodle- I read this article the other day (I think Rach posted it) talking about how relationships should not be 50-50, but 60-40 and from each person. Each person gives 60 and only takes 40. I started thinking that I really don't give 60. I talked to my SO about it and he says I do give 60, just in a different way. Like I do all the visa shit, vacation planning, etc. He made me feel better. So even though I'm pissed that he thinks my job is a breeze, I do love him very much.

I guess you can all eat a bowl of pad thai now.