My university is cutting the swim team. I was on the swim team my entire time in college and I am so upset they're cutting it. When I was in college, the threat of being cut was always looming over our heads. Swimming is an expensive sport and let's face it, it doesn't bring revenue to the school like basketball or football does.

But it was so important to the community. My university is an HBCU (Historically Black College/University) and was one of only THREE HBUCs in our conference. Traditionally swimming is mostly white athletes and it was so amazing to have a program at an HBCU. Now there will only be two HBCUs left- Howard and FAMU.

Oh good god the memories. 5am practice, 12pm weight room, 4pm practice... every day except Sunday. Because my coach is religious and we shouldn't work out on Sundays. I remember my sophomore year I was so exhausted all the time I would close my eyes while walking to class in hopes to rest a little.

I'm so sad and it's worse because the alumni of the team are planning to do something in November. And of course I can't be there.

I'm going to dig up my coach's number and try to give her a call.

And then I'm going to write a seething letter to the chancellor.

Here's a picture from my sophomore year