Last night was Oktoberfest. The big German high school puts it on every year. It was at this giant club and I expected it to be great. Our friends who took us picked us up late and by the time we got there I was starving. And craving some sort of pretzel sandwich and frothy beer.

The place was really nice, but wah wah. It was the most Latin Oktoberfest that ever existed. I mean yeah, we're in CR, but still! You can try to be a little authentic. The only German beer they offered was Beck's. BECK'S!!!!! I was like, what the hell? Luckily, the nice CR microbrew was there so we were able to get some decent beer. But I think it's pretty damn lame that at an Oktoberfest the best beer available is Costa Rican.

One of our friends works at the German school and told me that last year they played German music for like 10 minutes or so, then switched to Latin music. Well this year they didn't even try, they just hired a Latin band to play!!! Our friends were all Germans and Austrians and they were laughing and laughing at the music. They were telling me how usually in Germany you link arms and sway back and forth and such. And so they started doing that, but to the beat of the Latin music. It was just funny.

The food wasn't that great either. I guess I was expecting to step into Germany or something, but I was looking forward to some damn tasty food. But it was just okay. And there weren't any pretzels! WTF! How are you going to put a picture of a pretzel on the ticket and then not sell pretzels?? Seriously I was all like "I can't wait to go buy a pretzel with butter!" *sigh* I got a few wurst, but even those weren't very good. There's a German guy who sells wurst at the feria (farmer's market) and his are WAY better than the mess they had last night. I'm going to the feria as soon as I finish this so I'm going to tell him that next year he needs to go to the Oktoberfest and sell his much more delicious wurst.

There were a few girls in dirndl and I saw one guy in lederhosen, but that's it.

Towards the end of the night they were only playing reggaeton so we left kind of early, 11 or so.

Here's some pictures!

The most "German" thing about the party was the flags and tablecloths

"Ordene aqui" on a German flag. Just kind of funny to me.

Me and my SO

My SO in line for some very mediocre wurst

The club

Me and my friends looking adorable in their dirndls!


Onto less fun stuff- My friend who died. I'm surprised it has affected me as much as it has. I'm not as sad as the first day, but man I think about him all the time. He went out in a really insane way (police shoot out, won't go into any more details) and it's so shocking to me. And he left this 6-year old kid behind who is going to remember this. Ugh. Yesterday I spent an hour or so trying to figure out how to donate some money to buy some flowers for the funeral. I finally got everything together. Funerals are terrible, but I do wish I could go. He was such a good guy.


I've just been having a hard time in general. The visa stuff is frustrating me but I feel like I shouldn't complain because a family just lost someone. Costa Rica has been wearing down on me, and it's not been nice. I'm usually so upbeat and positive, but it's not been easy recently. I can only think negative.

But just about 10 minutes ago a really beautiful hummingbird came to my little walled/barbed wired-in patio. And sometimes it's things as simple as that that can help me feel better. I'm a huge ass-hole when it comes to believing in anything, but there's been more than one time I've felt down and I feel like nature has helped me back up. Today was one of those days.

So since I'm feeling a little better, I'm going to get dressed and get to the feria. Maybe make myself a good, fresh smoothie. Then sit in the sun to tan a bit, and read a book. Probably wearing bright colored lipstick because that always makes me feel better.

Have a good weekend everyone!