I know blogging two days in a row! What's wrong with me? (random side note- I was a horribly lazy student and it hasn't changed much since I became a teacher. You know I got stuck with teaching English and I hate it. Well I plan on starting "The Most Dangerous Game" on Monday, a story I've never read. So I'm listening to it on youtube. Because I'm still too fucking lazy to read it. Some things never change...)

Anyways. Something has been on my mind and I want to run it past my best girlfriends before I bring it up with my SO.

Our one year anniversary of marriage is somewhat coming up. I think my SO's mom is really upset she wasn't able to be at the wedding. So I want to have a little celebration nearish or on our anniversary with the family here. But I'm sort of wondering, should I make a big deal out of it? Should this be the "other" ceremony? Should we have like a little mock ceremony or renew our vows or something?

I'm thinking if I have a big enough of a thing here and invite family and friends, they can no longer be mad at me for not inviting or telling them before! And of course probably no one will make it down because it's expensive and somewhat last minute, which is perfect. (party would be in January) I think it'll probably be cheaper to have a party down here- everything in CR is expensive, but man power is cheap. So anything that deals with manual labor will be cheaper- like cooks, a planner, etc. We could maybe rent a room to have the party in, or just try to do it at my SO's mom or aunt's place. Their houses are big enough to have a medium sized party and have a good sized patio.

I think about this because the other day we went to a cousin's birthday party and she hired a guy to be a waiter and some other guy to cook. They brought a grill and everything. I bet it was pretty damn cheap, and that seems like an easy thing to throw together. She also had a comparsa come. (It's like a team of dancers for carnival that wear big feathery things and dance poorly to a whole bunch of drums. Here's a short video if you're interested in watching.) And I mean these people are not rich. They live in the ghetto. But they were able to put on a damn good little party. I prefer mariachi, but still it was pretty nice.

So what do you guys think? Should I try to convince my SO to throw a somewhat big party and invite my friends and relatives from the USA? Should we do another ceremony/renew our vows? Or just keep it as a party? We could even potentially be married since we haven't registered our marriage in CR yet. I don't think I'd want to do that since it has to be done by a lawyer or priest and it's expensive.
