Last night was my friend's bachelorette party! She was the one who went wedding dress shopping but didn't invite me. But I did see her "dress"! She didn't even buy a dress! She bought a sandy colored jumpsuit which she is in love with. I think it's one of the most hideous things I've ever seen. But like a good friend I raved about how smashing she looked in it. I mean she had already bought it and was in love with it. What else was I to do? It's not my wedding!

Anyways, I still have my Bachelorette sash from my party and I thought hey! She needs to have one too! So we decided to go out to this really fancy new bar that they built on top of a new casino. It was me, my friend, a mutual friend and their Spanish tutor. Who happens to be my SO's ex. In fact, the way they found out about her was my SO telling them about her. I'm okay with hanging out with her in a group setting and I was trying real hard to be cool, but it was a little weird. I guess I'll never be progressive enough to become BFFs with my SO's exes. I think I'm okay with that. She asked me some weird questions like "does he annoy you?" and "does he make you mad?" and stuff. But for the most part she was great. (and I was drunk! anyways) I tried so hard to not talk about my SO, but I realized that I really like talking about him! They talked about airlines and I wanted to talk about when my SO and I went to Cuba and we got upgraded and such. But I didn't. I just didn't want to seem like I was rubbing it in her face.

Well so at the fancy bar the waiter guy says to us that the tables have a minimum amount to spend and the only tables available had a 90,000c minimum! That's like $200! I was like wtf? But the girls I was with acted all cool about it like they were totally down with spending $200 at this place. There were only four of us, one of us being the bride to be who obviously wouldn't be paying. That seemed like a lot, but I was ready to spend up to $100 for the night so I was like whatever.

Two other friends from Germany flew in but they weren't allowed into the fancy bar because of dress code. So we got the bill. I was worried because we didn't drink/eat that much (the food was REALLY good) but I thought we'd still be charged the 90,000c. We weren't! Thank goodness. They only charged us for what we had. I guess they sometimes have those rules to make it so people don't come sit at a big table for hours and only order two beers or something.

We went to another much more tico bar that's closer to where we live and drank a bunch. Okay well I drank a bunch. I don't know why I try to keep up with Germans, especially big, rugby playing Germans. I had probably 4 beers and a few shots of jager. It was 2x1 how can you say no??!! And it was GERMANS! *sigh*

I finally rolled home around 2am and this morning I woke up at 6am. I felt fine, had some breakfast but just didn't want to have to go to this school thing. So I called my ride and said I'd come in later. Well 30 minutes later my head was in the toilet bowl and that's where it stayed most of the day. Always keep your toilet barfably clean my friends! So I didn't go and I feel bad, but not that bad. I don't have much of a conscience.

(my SO just said we could get Papa John's for dinner instead of making dinner!!!! I love that man! [my SO and Papa John] That garlic "butter" that doesn't have any butter or anything natural in it all is one of the tastiest grossest things on this planet)

So one of my SO's closest friends is his boss. He's a really nice guy and I like hanging out with him. We've been hanging out with him more often recently because he goes to the dance classes as well. The thing is- he's a cheater. He has a wife and a family and I've never met them, only his "girlfriends". And he cheats on his girlfriends with other girlfriends. Like what the hell? I guess he just really likes cheating. And it's weird for me because I like him as a person, but I detest the shit he does. It's so damn disgusting. Is it possible to separate the two? Can you like a person and not like their actions? Or is it the same thing? For someone who doesn't have a conscience I feel like I'm in such a moral dilemma.

Last thing- my SO is on board with having a party for our 1-year wedding anniversary! He actually came up with a nice idea as well. Since we live in the valley there's lots of nice restaurants and hotels and such up on the mountains where you get an awesome view. There's one pretty common one called Tiquicia (click!) which means like "Costa Rican". It's a simple restaurant with typical food, nothing fancy, but the view is amazing. We're hoping one of these days to go up there to eat and see where we could possibly have our little party. I just looked real quick and they have stuff for 20 people at $20/person which I think is pretty damn affordable. We just need to go on a night they have an awesome band playing (that way we don't have to pay a band! yes, I'm stingy). And pay a photographer. Done. Awesome little party with the relatives at a nice place that isn't too expensive but will have beautiful pictures. (if it's not cloudy!!!)

Random last last thing- next week I'm going to Panama for 3 days with a coworker I barely know. I think it'll be fun! I'm worried about the border crossing because I've read they've been getting really strict. I have plenty of documents and stuff, and I'll make sure to wear a low-cut shirt, but still a little nervous.

Final thing- my mom's good friend died suddenly of a heart attack two days ago. She's so sad and I'm sad for her. My SO and I got to hang out with her a few times and she was a freaking blast. She was only 56. But she was overweight. Please take care of yourselves guys. And tell your family and friends, too. I've already given a lecture to my SO about how he needs to cut back his smoking. I don't want him dead at 56 because of heart failure.

Have a good Sunday!