My SO finally bought me earrings!!!! I told him I wanted some.. oh 2 years ago or so. He was supposed to buy me a pair for my birthday (in May) but he didn't have time or whatever. Anyways, today at breakfast he gave me a little black box (first time I've ever been given one!) and it had a pair of beautiful earrings in them! I just love them, they're pretty yet understated.

You can't tell in the picture but the top part one side is gold the other is silver. So pretty.




(the second hole, my first hole is stretched)

So I'm super happy today

Even though work has been bringing me down. I could write an entire blog about how fucked up work is currently. But I just don't have the energy. Just know it's pretty FUBAR. Luckily school ends in under 2 months so I'm almost on break! Although in that "under 2 months" we have to give two exams. And I only have each of my classes twice a week (and one class only once a week!). So that means about 5 or 6 classes on one exam. It'll certainly be tough to write a long enough exam so it's fair when we've only had 5 or 6 classes of content. I'll make do. I always do. But it won't be easy. I finished writing my quizzes for next week. And I did my power point with guided notes for the kids. It's my favorite way to do a whole bunch of info in a short amount of time- a power point and the kids have the exact same thing, but with words taken out. So as I go over the powerpoint they have to fill in the blanks and draw diagrams and such and then that's their notes. Kids really like it too.

I'm also teaching "Treasure Island" right now, a book I've never read! It's so short I should finish it this weekend. But still. Bad teacher.

I'm still hopeful for the visa to come through soon. If we get petition approval before December, I don't think I'll have to work again next year. After petition approval it usually is only 3-4 months until visa in hand. Since school starts in February it wouldn't make much sense to work for a month or two and then quit to move back to the USA. I'd love for this to be my last year at that school. I love those silly kids I work with, and I love teaching, but the school is fucked up in way too many ways for me to want to stay another full year. I'm hoping if we don't get petition approval before December, then we get it soon afterwards so we only have to stay until June/July of next year. We'll see.

Luckily my attitude towards the visa and staying in CR for longer has much improved. I was in such a bad place for so long, but I'm back and happy again. I'm not going to fret too much about visa stuff because it'll just make me upset and not accomplish anything. We'll see what happens and that's that.

Part of the reason I'm feeling better is we're planning our wedding party in January! We still need to go see the place, but we're almost 100% sure we'll have it at Tiquicia. The place I linked last time. We're thinking around 30 people. We don't have to pay for the space, they just give us a private room (with an amazing view of the valley) and we pay for the food. We also want to get a band to play dance-able music, and you know here in CR that means Latin music. The restaurant said they could provide music, but it's not danceable, and we want danceable! We're hoping to find a group that is fairly cheap and doesn't suck too bad I'll probably buy myself a bouquet because it's cheap, and a pair of shoes to wear with my dress since the first time I wore snow boots! And the purple shoes I originally bought to wear with my dress don't fit. Even when I stuff the toes. I'm so bummed, but those things ended up being like 2 sizes too big for me.

(Just took a quick look at Aerosoles. Not the cutest shoes in the world, but I used to work there and I know for 100% sure I wear a 9.5 Plus, they're really comfortable!!
Option 1 in tan
Option 2 (they don't have a 9.5 but for $20 I could go with a 10 and probably be okay)
So maybe, but meh. I'll spend more time doing this later! )

But yeah we're looking at a buffet, but it only includes one drink. I guess all the lushes in our family will just have to pay after the first one. Or maybe the restaurant will let us bring in booze? Hmm, we should ask about that.

Still need to find a photographer. A friend recommended one to me, but since we haven't set a date yet I didn't want to contact him yet. We're thinking either Jan 18 or 25 but we have to wait to see if my SO has to work one of those weekends. I guess we could even do it the first weekend in February. Date doesn't matter too much.

I also want to do what Schlafmutze recommended- get a bunch of party stuff to pass out. Like masks and leas and sparkles and stuff. I think my SO might think that's stupid, but it seems fun to me. He doesn't know what fun is I just want this to be a really fun party. If you don't like to party, you are not invited!

Oh and my SO's best (and only) friend is getting married May 31. I have no doubt my SO will be "best man" so we'll definitely need to be here for that. I guess we have to see with the visa if we'll move back to the USA first, then come back down. Who knows. Maybe I will have to work until June next year. So much to fit in!

I guess that's it for now. I'ma read a little "Treasure Island" then head over to pick up my SO from work. Dance classes later tonight!