I have about 15 minutes before I need to get ready for work so I thought I'd write a quick blog. I should be walking my puppy but it's so gross and rainy out. I already promised her I'll walk her tomorrow

Anyways. My SO is constantly bringing up kids with me. And not in a good way. He's always like "and that's why we can never have kids" when anything happens on TV or with my good friend who has 2 boys. Like we'll plan on going out and then something will happen so she can't go. And he'll say "see? we can never have kids." It's weird that he brings it up so much. I mean I wouldn't even be thinking about it if it weren't for him!

So here I am thinking about kids all the time (thanks to my SO) and whether I want them or not. And it just seems like every time I think of one good reason to have them, I think of a million reasons to not have them! I wish I could have a kid from the age of 4-12 and then 20+. Just skip that baby nonsense and teenager insanity. I feel like I turned out to be a pretty cool kid, and I like hanging out with my mom and drinking beer. But it takes SO LONG for that to be possible. I mean 18 years just to be able to hang out and drink beer? Ugh. And the earlier years you get to take them to fun places, and they're silly and cute still. You get to see them improve in stuff and grow up. That's nice. But before that they're basically helpless and after that they're evil.

My coworker just had a baby and she's always bringing her to school and everyone coos over her. And yeah, she's a cute baby, but man I just don't like babies like that. I don't want to be near them. I'm not good at saying how cute a baby is in real life because I just don't like them that much. They're slobbery and floppy and probably have defecated all over themselves. Yes, that's adorable. Pictures are fine. They're not near me in pictures. And it's honestly when I look at pictures I think "oh, babies aren't that bad! Look how lovable!"

And just recently I was thinking about how kids make you buy more of everything. I was thinking about this because since lyonsgirl just closed the distance, I was thinking about when my SO moved in with me. Everything ran out quicker- obviously food and such, but I remember the toilet paper the most. It amazed me how much more toilet paper I had to buy! And that reminds me of when my brother was a preteen/teenager and how much he and his gross friends ate. They ate EVERYTHING in the house.

But still. Sometimes I think it'd be nice to have a kid. I feel like I'm good with kids (not babies). I still think about adopting a kid who is 2 or 3, have even looked up stuff online just to get an idea of what it entails. I also feel like I should give my inlaws some grandchildren. I know that sounds silly, but my inlaws would love me forever if I just gave them a baby. My mom wants grandchildren, too, but my sister definitely wants kids and I think my brother does too. With my inlaws, my sister-in-law married a guy who has a vasectomy and she's had so much plastic surgery I know she'd never have a kid and ruin all that work. So all that's left is us. I don't know.

Which brings me to the pregnant dreams. I've had pregnant dreams since high school. I think all women do when they hit fertility. And my dreams used to be "oh I'm so happy to be pregnant/have a baby" And now my dreams are like "oh dear god I regret this" Not that I enjoy pregnant dreams, but I guess I'd at least like them to be happy ones. The one I had yesterday I was pregnant and I kept thinking to myself "okay, I guess I'll deal with this kid, but I wish I had never gotten pregnant" Like shit. My body doesn't want me to reproduce anymore? I'm not a big believer in dream stuff, but I've had negative pregnant dreams for about a year now. And it makes me think if I ever had kids or decided to get pregnant, that's how I'd feel! Remorseful!

Anyways, this was a random ass blog. And I need to get ready for work now.