I'm trying to focus on the positive. There's this whole situation that's bringing me down but I don't want to go into it. Because read sentence #1

In January there's some guys coming down from the USA to where my SO works. He gets to be basically in charge of them the whole time they're down here because his English is way better than anyone else's (thanks to me ) The exciting thing is.. we think he could maybe get an in with them and PERHAPS get a job in their company when we move back to the USA. Their company is in Reading, PA and most of my family is in NC, so it's really fairly close to where we were planning on moving to begin with. The cool thing about this company is since he's already been involved with them, he could probably be hired at a higher level than with another company. I know he'll make lots of money in the USA, but if he were hired at his exact same position he holds now, he would make BUTT LOADS of money. Which would be awesome

I mean I'm not a gold digger (not that butt loads of money wouldn't be AWESOME), but I really think the money he would make would validate him. He worries constantly about being a good husband and "taking care of me".

Anyways. So as always I'm all excited way too early and evidently made him more excited about the perspective of him getting a job with these guys. And as always, I'm thinking way too far in advance and I'm already looking up Reading as a place to live. Never been there, but it can't be the worst place to live, right?

Have a good day!!!