We heard back from Prague- it was a no. But, immediately after reading that I asked my SO if I could look for more jobs in Europe and he gave me the thumbs up! So I looked some more today and we just applied to an engineering position in "Europe". They need them for various countries, just hoping we don't get a lame country! We also asked for a butt-load of money. I mean, why not? My SO is a really smart guy, he deserves to be making bank. We'll just have to see if the company agrees or not

But I'm writing this more because of something else. For the first time ever- I think I don't have my mom's support. And it feels very weird. Every time I bring up how we want to go to Europe she just says "uh huh" and changes the topic. She keeps saying "when you guys move back home..." and talking about how she wants us to live with them and stuff. With all my other moves and travels and such she's always been 100% behind me. Telling me what a great idea it is, how proud she is, etc. And now she's just avoiding the topic. She's told me she's ready for me to come home. I haven't seen anyone in my family since we got married in January, and I haven't been home since Dec last year. Maybe she just misses me? I don't know. It's just strange. I'm so excited about the Europe possibilities (and yes, I know they might not work out, and I'd also be glad just to move back to the USA) and she's so... apathetic. It's kind of bumming me out.

The more I think about it, the more it makes sense to do this move NOW. Two or three years somewhere in Europe and then move back to the USA and "settle down" for a while.

So anyways. I'm bummed my mom isn't as excited as I am. And she's where I got the excited genes from!