I was so excited about that opportunity in Prague. I knew I'd be bummed out when he didn't get it, but I'm more upset now than I was before. I've found a couple other contenders, but nothing quite as perfect. Well, I did find a perfect job (need a Span/Eng bilingual design engineer), but it's in Puerto Rico. I guess I'd be cool with going there. But since it's part of the USA, we'd still probably have to wait for our spouse visa, right? Who knows. That and the purpose of not going immediately back to continental USA was to be in Europe. I'm sure I could find great jobs for my SO in South America, but we want to be in Europe! I found a possible option in Switzerland, but I bet they want you to speak German. Going to have my SO apply anyways. What sucks is that in Europe it's not a leg up to speak two languages, it's REQUIRED! Two or three. Like for lots of Switzerland jobs they need you to be fluent in German, English and French. Shit man. At least when we finally make it back to the land of mono-linguals knowing Spanish will be a plus.

I think the main reason I'm feeling bummed out is because if a Europe job doesn't come through for my SO, it'll mean waiting an undetermined amount of time for the US visa. Gosh I just hate NOT KNOWING, ya know? Like if they could tell me for certain what month the petition will be approved I'd be happy. It has taken so fucking long and I'm so fucking mad about it. What's worse is there's NOTHING I can do. Like there's this little VJ committee that plans on sending mass emails on Tuesday, and I'll partake. But really, is it going to accomplish anything? Probably not. And what makes it worse is that if we had simply not gotten married and applied for a fiance visa, we would be back in the USA by now! My friend who applied for her fiance MONTHS after me already has her boo in the USA. How fucking fair is that?


I bought a plane ticket home for the 26-31. That'll be nice. I know the time seems awful but I think it's actually perfect. I still get Christmas/New Years with my SO and his family, and get my family in between. I always get nervous leaving CR though because I still don't have residency. Last time I came back in they told me I needed a plane ticket out of the country. Before, they accepted my "in process of residency" papers. I'll probably make up a fake flight out and have that, and my residency papers, and my marriage cert, and a copy of my SO's ID card. They can't keep me out with all that!

Good news is- since I'm going back to the USA (for the first time in over a year) I get to buy a bunch of shit online! My SO's birthday is in December so I'm going to get him a few things. First is the BMF wallet he LOVED and then it got stolen when he forgot it in the car for the first time ever and the car got broken into. What fucking luck, right? I'm also going to buy him another pair of Reef flip flops (the ones that have a bottle opener on the bottom). He loved the other ones he had and wore them until they had a hole in the bottom. And I'm also going to buy him a "Los Pollos Hermanos" shirt, because he's a big Breaking Bad fan.

Look how damn happy he was with his wallet!

I told him for me for Christmas I want a nice bouquet of flowers and a nice letter. I don't need any shit this year. He already bought me earrings, I'm happy Plus, my trip home is sort of my present!

My SO is actually finally doing well in diff eq! The last test he got a 76 (75 is passing) and the profe put a on it. Jaja. He told me he thinks he got the highest grade in the class, or one of them. He has another exam tomorrow (yes, diff eq has exams on Sundays. wtf, right?) so he's going to spend all day studying.

I'm trying to decide if I should go swimming or not. My swimming buddy isn't here today, but I was still going to go. Then on the way home from the feria (farmer's market) I ran a little bit (and when I say a little bit, I mean like 10m or so) with my puppy and went into this terrible coughing fit. I've had this cough for over a week now and it's finally settling down. I had to spend more than a few nights this week sleeping sitting up to avoid coughing all night long. Last week I went swimming with the cough and it got way worse afterwards. So I'm trying to weigh my decisions here- sit around and be bored (since my SO will be studying all day) and maybe kick the cough for good, or go swimming and maybe start all over again with the stupid cough. Grr.

Oh did I mention I'm swimming? The ID the crazy guy got for me- turns out I can use it on Saturdays only and just go swimming by myself. Sweet, right?

Man I wish I had bought myself a German wurst this morning from the feria.

Speaking of food- I've been saving up small bits of money all year to use for a ridiculously fancy dinner for the two of us. I now have almost $200! So we've been looking for a nice place to go. Found what looks like a very fancy French restaurant, and I love French because they always have duck- the most delicious meat on the planet. (which isn't saying much for me since I really don't like much meat) Problem is, we never have time! We wanted to go yesterday, but we were both tired after a long day (I got into a big fight with the directors of my school). We tried last weekend, but they were full. Next weekend is a house-warming party for my SO's best friend. And the weekend after is Thanksgiving! (celebrating on Sat since Thursday is awkward when no one has the days off)

Random side note- I kinda feel a little left out culturally at my school, and I know I shouldn't. We're a German/English/Spanish school and we celebrate tons of German holidays, and all Costa Rican holidays but not even one English/American/Canadian/Australian (English-speaking country) holiday. I think Thanksgiving would be the best to celebrate since it's secular (I'm biased because it's my favorite). But anyways.

Alright, well I feel like this blog has gone on for too long. To say thanks for sticking around I'm going to post a few random pictures.

Fruit tart we made the other day as a "thank you" to some neighbors

Me and some of the other teachers on "Superhero Day"

And "Wacky Tacky Day"

Me and my SO from an event we went to a while back. I think he looks like Mad Men! (Did I share this picture before? I don't remember...)

Have a great weekend!