On Saturday we had Thanksgiving! Unfortunately, it wasn't a great one for me. I won't tell anyone here that because they were awesome for celebrating with me. But it was not nearly as nice as the other years. I was exhausted. I'm not a person who can rally and not sleep for long periods of time. I need at least 9 hours of sleep a day and if I don't get it I turn into a grumpy monster. So by the time 4:30pm rolled around and we had to go to my SO's aunt's house with all this fucking food that I had to carry, all I wanted to do was take a freaking nap. I put on a face and did my best, but after dinner everyone started singing old mariachi songs. For like, hours. I think it was the first time I ever felt really left out with my SO's family. I mean I don't know any of these songs, and they all were singing and swaying and yelling and I'm like "I've never heard this before and it sounds exactly like the last 10 songs you played". To their credit I was already not feeling up to having fun, they were plastered, and they did try to play a song "for me" (Shania Twain- You don't impress me much; because that's totally my song ) But yeah I felt lonely and left out and exhausted and more than anything just wanted to go home.

BUT. My pumpkin pie was a big hit.

Sunday we went over to my SO's sister's house to hang out. They made some really yummy tapas snacks and we drank some beer. They gave my SO a new phone and it was really nice. Then like 10 min later my SO's sister says "And here's your present, lb!" And she's handing me a tablet! I was like "OH MY GOD ARE YOU SERIOUS??!!" I wasn't expecting anything, I mean why would I? So it's awesome and I love it. I took it into school today so my teenager students could help me out. I mean they helped a little, but I totally played it up too. There are very few times teenagers can feel smarter than adults so I let them. They were like "okay now search for a game" and I was like "I need to go to google!" Them "no, just put it in the search bar" me-goes to google.com "But I like to see the picture!" Them *facepalm*.

My SO and I aren't too into presents, and so now we're all "holy shit, what do we get THEM for Christmas?" I mean my brother-in-law is ridiculously wealthy. And she makes good money, too. Everything they own is name brand and brand new. Hell, they now own THREE cars- a Maserati, an Audi and a BMW (Audi and BMW for "going around town"). They have really particular tastes too. I told my SO I could bring them back our favorite mustard from the USA, but is that even nice? I mean "hey here's a tablet and a smart phone" ... "thanks, here's some mustard" My mom also evidently made some really good pepper jelly, maybe I can bring them that as well. We'll see.

I'm also trying to figure out what to get my dad and his wife for Christmas. They're sort of all about presents and I know they'll get me something even though I told them not to. Oh! My friend is selling pottery stuff, I should buy him something from there- mental note. My mom I'm bringing home the paintings I bought for her in Cuba. Siblings get nothing.

My SO is finally graduating from college this month! Something that has been over a decade in the making. I wanted to get him a nice graduation present because I think it's pretty damn important that he finally finished his degree. And I found the perfect idea- a bartender kit! He loves making mojitos and he makes them quite tasty, so I'll get him a kit with a strainer and special spoon and shakey thing (I know all the technical terms as you can see!) I'm trying SO HARD to keep this a secret. He already knows I'm buying his Christmas/birthday presents in the USA, but he doesn't know about the grad present. I don't know how I'll make it three more weeks without saying anything. I'm hoping to go tomorrow after work and find a nice one.

So I mentioned before in the main forum that I was looking into lasik surgery. We talked about it at Thanksgiving for a bit and evidently there's doctors who do 50% off during the end of the year. I was totally sketched out by that, but evidently here it's totally normal. My SO's cousin is a doctor and she's all "no, those doctors are really good, it's very normal to have discounts" When I think discount surgery I think about those botched ones done in Brazil and people look terrible for the rest of their lives. Turns out my SO's sister got her boobs done for 50% off and I tell you what- they are 100% there! I think my vision is not quite bad enough for surgery, but we'll have to see. I only started wearing glasses regularly here in CR because I couldn't afford any in the USA. And I want my non-glasses life back! My SO really wants to do it as well. Maybe someone has a 2x1 deal

And here's some pictures for making it through this blog! It's from 6th grade graduation. I handed out "senior" superlatives and everyone LOVED it. Parents told me they thought it was awesome and everyone was laughing and cheering. It was great. (I also got hit on by a student's much older brother. Classy.)

Handing out the diplomas at graduation.

With one of the kids at graduation.

The closest thing to a group photo. I'm at the top right.

It was a carnaval theme and these guys on stilts came. The whole thing was hugely over the top. (and no booze!!!!! )

Thanksgiving, singing mariachi songs

Have a good evening!