Quick, pointless blog here.

Last night was great. Yesterday morning I woke up with what I thought was pinkeye and turned out to just be some gross allergies. I was actually hoping it was pinkeye to have an excuse to not go to the kid's concert that afternoon. I mean the concert isn't too bad but it's so.damn.LONG. This was one of the shorter ones and it was almost 4 hours long! UGH!

The main reason I decided to go is I thought maybe some of the teachers would be up for going and hanging out afterwards. And they were! And it was great! The concert was held in the Children's Museum which used to be a prison and they converted it into a museum. So it looks like an old castle, because it sort of was. Pretty cool. But it happens to be in an extremely shitty part of San Jose. All of SJ is shitty, but this particular area is a real shit hole. More like a shit abyss. Anyways you get my point. (oh and I didn't get a picture of it, but we saw a really busted old car with Christmas lights duct taped onto it. It was amazing)

So me and my drinkin buddy round up the music teachers who are exhausted from all the work going into the concert and we go to a nearby bar. It's a fun bar because they're playing 80s and 90s pop music so we're singing and getting drunk. My goal was to not drink more than 3 beers because I've been really unable to hold my liquor recently and it's quite embarrassing. Last time I went out I had 5 beers and my stomach was tossing and turning all night. So 3 was my limit. And of course on my third beer, one friend orders tequila shots for everyone. And it went on from there.

We're all drunk and exhausted and swaying singing 90s songs and my friend looks at her watch and says "GUYS! IT'S 6:30!!!" We all bust out laughing because we're super drunk and it's sooooooooo early. (it gets dark here at 5-5:30pm so it's easy to think it's later)

Eventually we walk over to a nearby park and get ice cream and just sit around for a while. A little while later we all go home.

It was so much fun. I'm writing this because it was one of the very few times I felt like I was in my life back in the USA. Hanging out, drinking, being ridiculous with a lot of friends. It made me realize I do have really great friends here, the problem is they're so damn busy all the time we can never hang out. I love my SO, but I realized that I hang out with him way too much. It's not that I don't enjoy hanging out with him, I really do because he's awesome and funny and loves to drink. But I also need to go out on my own and just be independent a little more. Of course now my best drinking buddy is leaving for Switzerland in just a few weeks. Man I'm going to miss her.

Okay random ass blog is done.

Children's Museum