I hate the word "vacay" but it rhymes.

Anyways. WOO. The school year is OVER!!! Yesterday we had to go in to sign contracts and I waited around for almost seven hours. At one point the director was leaving with a group of teachers and I was like "where are you guys going?" They said "oh we're going to lunch, the director hasn't eaten yet" I was like "I haven't eaten either and I'm waiting on her!" They go to lunch for TWO HOURS. Who the hell does that? When they finally got back I was so pissed and I went into a room with some other teachers waiting. And one of the sub-directors comes and I was like "so how was your two hour lunch?" And she gets all defensive and I was like "that was really disrespectful, we've been waiting here for hours and you just leave blah blah" Well ticos are very non-confrontational so all the tica teachers were like "whoa calm down" and I was like "I'm just saying what everyone is thinking!" So then they all say "okay well you can go next" hehe So I did. Us pushy Americans. Then I get in with the director and she doesn't want to give me a raise! I was like helll nah, but in other words of course. She caves and gives me a raise I asked my SO if what I make is a good salary and he says that what I make is what engineers get paid here. It is an excellent salary. So I'm feeling all good. My salary for next year is $1000 more a month than my starting salary my first year. Because I'm good at negotiating shit. HELL YEAH.

Okay enough school shit that no one is interested in.

The visa is fucked. I complained a bit already but basically I contacted my congressman for the millionth time and he forwards me this email saying that USCIS is waiting for a response to an RFE (request for more evidence). Well I didn't know I had an RFE so I call USCIS the next day and turns out they "requested" an RFE mid-November but HAVEN'T SENT OUT THE LETTER YET!!! I was so pissed! What the fuck! I mean my case has been sitting around for A MONTH waiting for a response to an RFE THEY NEVER SENT! I wrote angry emails to my congressman and senator. I'm also going to report it to the ombudsman. And I'm going to call USCIS later today to confirm my goddam RFE has been sent. Muther fuckers.

I'm trying really hard to take it easy with the visa stuff because we basically have it planned that we'll move back to the USA in July. But it's hard for me to take it easy when everything is a fucking disaster 100% of the time. I also had to take time away from VJ because people kept getting approved who filed after me (some after just a few weeks of waiting) and that wasn't good for my soul.

But there are good things, too! The best thing that happened is some gringos came down to visit my SO's company. I told my SO he totally needed to flirt with them and maybe they could hook him up with a job when we move back to the USA. (these are the people from the company I posted about before that needs a "Latin American Sales Manager") One of the guys that came down was the PRESIDENT of the company. Big shit. My SO showed him one of his drawings he's doing now and the president was very impressed. The next day my SO worked his magic and got on the topic that he's married to a gringa and we're moving back to the USA next year. The president took out his card, handed it to my SO and said "call me when you get to the USA, we'll have a job waiting for you" How fucking awesome is that, man?!?! From the PRESIDENT of the company!

We both would rather live in NC with my family, but this is a great opportunity. And I think the biggest effect it had was on my SO's confidence level. I always tell him he's going to get a great job in the USA that pays more than his Costa Rican brain could ever imagine, but he never quite believed me. He thinks that a lot of people wouldn't like him because he's an immigrant/Hispanic/with an accent, etc. I try to tell him EVERYONE in the USA is a freaking immigrant! Especially in math/science/engineering/technology. I mean I think about my college math professors not a damn one was from the USA. Especially where I'm from in NC which happens to be a very liberal area (yes, liberal areas do exist in NC!) there are so many people from so many different cultures. You don't even think twice when someone opens their mouth and has an accent. So yeah, this was a good boost for him. He's feeling much more confident which is great

Other good news- I'm going home in about two weeks! I'm very excited. I was pissed because all this family is coming (one of them my aunt who mentioned that maybe I should show immigration my marriage certificate and that should solve my problems. Why didn't I think of that??!! ) but the family is supposed to be leaving earlier on so I'll still have some QT with the people I actually like.

My mom is also evidently getting a new puppy. She already has two dogs and we'll be bringing our dog when we move back, so if she got another dog that would make four dogs. I told her she should wait a while and think about it, but I think she's going to adopt her. She met the dog at a party and said she was really well trained. So I guess we'll see!

I'm also excited about going home because I bought so many goodies for myself and my SO!

The weather here in CR has been so nice recently. It's been so chilly in the mornings and evenings. Like cool enough that this morning I was wearing tank top and shorts, and had to put on a tshirt and pants! And of course it's warming up now and is sunny and beautiful. I don't know how I'll ever survive a real winter again.

And now for some pictures because Schlafmutze always puts in pictures on her blogs and I want to be just like her.

Stupid pretzel dog.

Coffee! On my SO's birthday

I mentioned before I had a picture of me in a swimsuit next to a Santa Claus. I was wrong it was just next to a sign that said "Feliz Navidad". But I found this funnier picture. This is from Panama City 5 years ago.

Christmas T-rex! He's so festive!

Have a good day!!

ETA- More good news! Costa Rica has finally made it so you can check your residency case online, instead of going to migracion and spending oh.. 7 hours or so to ask a question. I decided to check mine just for the hell of it, I have to admit I was worried it wasn't even there, like they had canceled it or something. But it's there! And it says it's waiting signatures. I have no idea whose signatures it's waiting for, but now I'm actually optimistic about possibly getting residency here before moving back to the USA. Not that it has any benefit for me, but it'd sure be nice for all that fucking work to pay off. So, woo!