That's gotta be an oxymoron, right?

Well after hearing this mess about the RFE I have sent increasingly.. let's go with "heated", emails to both my senator and congressman. Today I got an email from my senator saying her contact told her that my RFE has been sent, but that the contact will speak to the officer working on my case personally to make sure it has been sent.


Has shit been fixed? No. But it's finally starting to feel like all this fucking effort I put into trying to be recognized is finally working! I just hope this "contact" won't forget to talk to the damn officer after Christmas break. Since I bet they won't do it today.

Also feeling good probably because I've been sitting in the sun all morning getting my tan on. Vitamin D- happy vitamin! I always like to have a tan when I go back to the cold USA to show off. My goal is to be darker than everyone except the Cubans (my mom and a friend who is visiting), damn naturally occurring melanin...

I bought myself the new Stephen King book (I'm such a huge fan, don't judge) called Dr. Sleep which is supposedly a sequel to The Shining. The Shining was the first King book I read when I was in like 6th grade. (The Shining the movie came on and I wanted to watch it. But it was my bed time so my dad said "just get the book" And the rest is history...) Got me hooked. Never turned back.

And- after reminding my SO for AGES he's finally contacting the restaurant where we want to have our wedding party. I wanted to attempt to make the beer-bottle centerpieces today that I linked before. But turns out the glue I thought I had I really don't have. It's fine. I've got all of January to figure it out

So. Feeling good about immigration. Feeling tanned. Feeling excited about all the shit I bought myself (so much shit!) I think I'll go out and read a little more in the sun.