Well big thing first- my SO is more seriously considering working with the PA company. His company and the PA company are starting a pretty big partnership, and it would benefit both places greatly to have not just a Spanish speaking liaison, but a tico-speaking one who knows all the people in both companies. I am hands down 100% for it. I mean hell, I was ready to pack shit up and move to the Czech Republic! I started doing some research for surrounding areas to live in. The problem is Reading the city is evidently a shit hole, then for about an hour around it on every side is farm land. Then you get to a whole bunch of really cool cities! So I thought we could live on the outlays of one of those cities (moon just informed me the "city" I am thinking of is more of a "town"). I found a really, really nice apartment complex that google tells me is 40 min away from where my SO will work. Which I think means it's probably 30 minutes away. I don't think 30 minutes is too bad of a commute. Anyways.

The issue with moving to PA instead of NC, where my family lives, would be the moving aspect. When we go to the USA we will have nothing. NOTHING. No car. No insurance. No furniture. No family to crash with. And guess what? No credit to buy anything with. My SO has excellent credit in Costa Rica but that gets wiped clean when we move to the USA. I have 0 credit because of this lovely catch 22- I can't get a credit card (because I have no credit). I can't even get approved for a store credit card. When all those people tell you in college "Don't get a credit card, they're evil!" They are LIARS. Because you get out of college and have no credit and have no way to start and therefore can't buy anything big. I thought paying students loans would get me credit- WRONG. I'm going to try to get one from my bank, maybe with my mom as a cosigner, when I go home (THIS WEEK). (credit rant over)

So moving to PA will be more complicated. Of course I would also have to get a new driver's license, I'd have to get a PA teacher's license, etc. etc. But I'm totally up for it. I'm also sort of excited about living around snow. After Dziu put up those pictures of her in the (cold) CR it made me all be like "I WANT COLD WEATHER!" I know I'll regret saying that one day. The grass is always greener, right?

I thought we could do a lot of the paperwork and such during the month or so it takes to get your greencard mailed to you once you enter the USA. But, I wanted to use that month to go on a trip to the Western USA. Maybe we can do 10 days trip or something, and the rest try to figure how the hell to move up to PA. We'll see!

Basically- we're both getting psyched about the possibility of PA. I think it'll be a pain in the ASS moving up there, but if the numbers speak I think we'll do it.

Onto more fun stuff- I know this is silly, but I'm so excited to see all my high school friends! We used to hang out all the time, we're really close. And because I'm feeling sentimental here's some pictures from the last time I hung out with them, 3 years ago...

Oh the memories... I drank WAY too much that night. Oops. (I think I gave away that awesome sparkly shirt too. Shame)

So hooray! I'm going home on Thursday!

I thought I had something else to say, but this blog is already too long and I can't remember so it probably wasn't important. (not that any of this was important)

Have a great day!

Listen to that song. I'm getting all hyped.