Back from my second vacation so I figured a bit of a blog is in order.

Two-ish weeks ago I flew home for the first time in a long time. The flight was uneventful. I got to immigration and customs in ATL and there was NO ONE there. Not even one person in line. Can you believe that? On Dec 26 not a damn person was traveling. The immigration guy didn't ask me a single question, which is weird, I usually get hammered after spending so much time in drug-riddled Central America, but I'm not complaining.

I got picked up in NC and went home to have a freaking delicious turkey dinner. On Thanksgiving my SO's aunt made a turkey and I was thinking "man, did turkey always taste this bad?" The answer is no- only this lady made bad turkey. How? No clue. Anyways. MY aunt's turkey was fabulous and I ate a ton and drank a lot.

Friday I already started bickering with my sister. I won't go into too many details but basically she wanted to go over and hang out with my dad at the same time I had a party with my high school friends who I haven't seen in years. The reason she didn't want to go Saturday was because her friends were coming, which is when I had told my dad I'd be coming over. Oh, so her friends are more important than mine? Anyways. We ended up going over early Friday and my dad gave me a sweet camera. I am in love with it.

That night was with my high school friends and we had a freaking BLAST. I love hanging out with them. We played a lot of games. See, most of my high school friends either don't drink or barely drink, so we always have game nights that way even the sober people can have fun. I was a good girl and kept to my 3 drink max, since I was driving.\

My high school friends!

Saturday my best friend in the entire world, and the "minister" who married us, came over. She's amazing and I love her. She flew in from Chicago that morning, took a shower, hung out with me for a few hours, then flew out to New Orleans that evening. She loves me. She's also probably getting married in December or so of this year and it's the first time someone really close to me is getting married. And I'm so damn excited for her! Now I realize why she wanted to come to my wedding. (after I told her our plans to get married she said "well I'm inviting myself" immediately looked up plane tickets and bought one ) It's damn exciting when your friends get married! But her wedding is going to be way better since it'll be in INDIA. Hell yeah! A full week of wedding shenanigans! She also told me that when they get legally married in the USA she wants me to get ordained and marry them. Also, she plans on bringing her boo (who I haven't met yet!) down to CR to visit, and so I can approve.

My minister with a chicken

Sunday I went with my sister, my dad and his wife to the mall. I wanted to go to buy a fake wedding dress, but turns out we were going so my sister could buy a coat. In between coat shopping, I found a really hot, tight red dress. I didn't buy it because I thought it was "too much". (the price was too much as well!) Hopefully I can find a nice dress here. I'm actually hoping to borrow one of my SO's sister's dresses. She's fabulous and I know she'd let me borrow one. I just worry about fit because she has enormous boobs, and mine aren't.

Red dress I didn't buy.

My grandma had her surgery Monday so basically I just hung around the house. Retrospectively, I should have went to a movie or something. Oh well. I also went to the bank and got approved for a credit card! I thought I didn't have credit, turns out my score is 677! Not too shabby! I wanted to build it up for when we move back to the USA. So that was exciting.

Tuesday is when I had it out with my sister. My mom, her husband, my sister and I were heading to breakfast on my last day in the USA. Someone brought up something about deportation and I said I'm not against deportation. I'm pretty liberal, but look, if you get caught, sorry. Game's up. In my opinion, the system needs to be changed so immigrants can easily get into the country legally the first time. I feel bad for these poor immigrants, they work shit jobs to send home shit pay to their families. I compared it to robbing a store to feed your family- it's for good reasons, but the bottom line is it's illegal. My sister then tells me that it's not at all the same and one is a victimless crime (illegal immigration). I said it's not victimless, it affects me. She kept going on and on and I finally said "okay I don't want to talk about it anymore". She says "well you can't just decide to stop a conversation because you lost the argument". I said again "I don't want to talk about it anymore". She CONTINUED to lecture me and lecture me. I finally started screaming at her SHUT UP I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT SHUT UP. She keeps lecturing me saying "just because you're louder doesn't mean you win"

By then we get to the breakfast place and I am so fucking angry I'm crying. The three walk into the place and I stay in the car because I can't even imagine being in a room with my sister, that and I look a hot mess because of the crying. 10 minutes later my sister comes out and says she's sorry and I tell her to go away, I don't want to talk to her. She then CONTINUES TO LECTURE ME!!! She says "you can't just say your opinion and expect people to agree with you" so I yell "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME". Oh my god. Another 5 minutes goes by and my mom comes out and I tell her I refuse to be around my sister, that she's an ass hole who doesn't care about anyone and has zero empathy. All she wants to do is win an argument no matter who she hurts. My mom agreed and promised to talk to her about it. She eventually coaxed me in, luckily I had a scarf to wrap around my head so I didn't look like a monster to everyone.

Basically the rest of my day was ruined. I was in such a bad mood because of my sister. I have NEVER fought with someone like that before. I didn't talk to her again the entire day. She went to the airport to drop me off and gave me some really sweet eyeliner she bought off my mom which I liked. She said "here, peace offering". I'm still having trouble taking it all in. I'd wish she actually apologize. Even just for hurting my feelings. But I bet that's not going to happen.

At check in, a beer I packed in my check bag for my SO exploded and so just about half of my stuff got soaked in beer. I was so emotionally wrecked I could barely even say goodbye to my mom. Luckily, my mom and her husband will be here for our fake wedding, so that's nice.

I took a Xanax before I got on the plane because they make me nervous. In Atlanta I went and had two beers. So when I got on the plane to San Jose I basically passed the fuck out before the plane even took out. I love combining alcohol and drugs!

Okay, if I haven't reached word max already, I'll do another blog tomorrow! Have a great day!

(a few more pictures for making it through)

With my [second most insane] aunt

Beeeer. Lots of this over the weekend!


With my brother and sister.