Yesterday was our one-year anniversary! Huzzah! It was a pretty normal day. My SO gave me flowers and a card. I gave him... nothing. We planned to have a low-key day because we just went to the beach for a weekend, and in just a few weeks will be our big party. We went to attempt to get my SO a new suit, there's great sales in January so we figure now is the time. I asked him before we left if he called to make sure the shop was open, he didn't, we get there, it's closed. Wah wah. So we went to the mall to attempt to find a dress for me for the party. We had a lot of almost perfect dresses. My favorite was one I found for like $30 in Forever21, but it was filthy and they only had it in one size that was way too big. I found it online, I'll buy a size down and hope it fits when my mom comes down! Many of the dresses I tried on didn't cover my ass! I mean how small are people's asses? Or how long is my torso? A close runner up was a pretty dress with black lace in the back, but I tried to sit down and it came right up over my ass. I mean, wtf?

We spent a lot of time shopping (I did buy this dress, not for the party, but because it made me feel super hot!). We planned to stop at the grocery store on the way home and buy stuff for a fancy meal. But I forgot to look up recipes. And then we forgot to stop at the store. So we just made one of our normal dishes- curry chickpeas & veggies & sausage for the SO. One of my favorites!

Good day overall. Nothing fancy or expensive, but we had a great time. And that's the important part.

Onto other musings- I've been on vacation for about a month now. Usually during these times I get really lonely and homesick. I sit at home with nothing to do and just wait around until my SO gets home from work. But I've been good so far this vacation! Because I have a project- our wedding party! I've been going and getting knick knacks and fabric and pintresting things. I started talking with the photographer and we're figuring things out for the party. I decided to let my neighbor do my hair and makeup for the day. He'll charge me less than half of what the hair salon charges, but the big selling point for me was I don't have to go anywhere! Since he's my neighbor he can do my hair/makeup and I can still hang out with my mom and her husband who fly down just for the 3 days. We can drink beer and stuff. It'll be nice. I briefly talked to him and he said "how do you want to look?" I was like "uhh..." I'm standing there in Mario boxers, my SO's old sweater, and my hair all a-mess. Jaja

Visa shit is driving me crazy. My mom finally got the RFE in the mail and it said they needed a marriage certificate that showed it was registered. Umm, the fuccck? You can't get a certified copy of a marriage certificate without it being registered! Ugh! Anyways, so I sent in ANOTHER copy with a cover letter explaining where they can find the information they need on the certificate. Fucking ass hats... (that reminds me, I want to call and order another certified copy. I sent in all the ones I have now)

Moving stuff is looking up! I'm still pretty excited about potentially moving to PA, but my SO is really wanting to stay in NC. Which I know would be the better decision. It'd be a way easier transition. But when I went home this December I was like "fuck, nothing has changed!" and it made me want to be somewhere else. So we'll see. Plus the company we tried to get a job with in the Czech Republic has an office where we'll live in NC. It'd be perfect if he could get a position with them and they one day transfer us to Europe! (fyi- I still look up jobs for my SO in Europe about once a week. But almost all the jobs are in Germany or Switzerland and you have to speak German. boo.) Great news is my mom is going to sell us her car! She's buying some really dorky bike thing, so we get her car! I'm psyched! I love her car and I know the history and it's exactly how much I was planning on spending. So - perfect

And now I'm wondering about these two dresses as well (for the party) thoughts??

Other dress 1 (in white)
Other dress 2

Mostly I worry about the ass-covering capabilities. The blue one I bought in the picture online it looks all long, but when I put it on it barely covers the goodies.

Alright randomness needs to end- here's some pictures!

Coconut curry dinner! Making me hungry, gonna go grab some left overs!

One year married!

Perlita is excited for her dinner, too!

Have a great week everyone!