Our party is next week! I'm very excited

I ended up ordering these four dresses- one, two, three, four. All four of them are at my mom's house and she's going to bring them down, I'll pick one, and she'll return the rest for me. Perfect! I'm still a bit worried about sizing because I normally wear size 6/8 dress, but according to the measurements on the website I needed a 10. So that's what I bought. Hoping they fit! I guess I'd rather them be too big than too small. In a pinch, there's probably one or two I could take in real quick.

I want to buy this necklace and this garter, but the sellers haven't written me back yet about shipping. I think even if the necklace isn't sent out til Monday, it'll still get to my mom's in time. It ships from NC. But the garter is all the way in California. So, maybe I'll be looking for one here. I could also look into making one, if there's one thing the CR fabric store has a lot of it's stretchy/lacy materials. But if I made one there'd be a big seam which wouldn't be very nice. We'll see. (I've been going to the fabric store just about every other day, I bet those ladies are sick of seeing me!)

I need to talk with my neighbor about my hair. He wants me to dye it dark like it was recently, but it's been dark so long I think I want to go lighter. (apologies for the instagramy picture, it's the only one I have with my hair dark) Right now it's an ugly mud-brown. I'm thinking just throwing in highlights to lighten it up. I've found if I try to dye my hair all blonde it turns out a horrible orange, so better to go little by little with highlights. Or I could always go bleach blonde, like that one time in college... PSYCH! I also want to see if he'll do trial makeup. I don't really give a shit what my hair looks like, I trust anyone who can use a curling iron. But my makeup I'm a little more freaked out about.

Anyways. I still want to get a bouquet, I'm thinking something super colorful and fun. I'm already worried I'll be way too matchy-matchy if I wear a white dress. Then I'd have the purple flower in my hair, purple necklace, and purple shoes. I believe in Stacy and Clinton- your clothes should not match they should go. So no way I'm doing any more purple shit.

We want to hire a small van to drive people up to the place. We mostly want it for us since we want to drink a bunch and therefore no driving. The place is way up in the freaking mountain so a taxi would be expensive, I think it'd be easier with the van. But we're trying to figure out a schedule. Me, my SO and the photographer need to be up there at 4:30. The photographer wants to take couple pictures of us, which I think is a great idea. I thought my mom, her husband and maybe my SO's parents could come at that time as well. We could get some semi-family shots in, plus they can set stuff up while we're modeling But we don't want the rest of the people to be there at that time, they come up more around 5:30-6:00. We have about 8 people who want to ride in the van (people without cars or who live far away or who also want to drink a lot). So do we go up with the van ourselves, then send the van back down to get everyone, then bring them up? (you pay per trip, not for time) Then the photographer finishes at 9:30, so we have to send her home, but surely we will want to stay later. So do we pay for a taxi to take her home? Or for the van to take everyone who wants to leave at 9:30 and then have another time for them to come get us? Or just have the van take people who want to go at 9:30 and then whenever other people want to leave they just take a cab down? Too many options!

And of course the issue is my SO is so freaking busy at work this week that he doesn't have time to try to figure stuff out. And getting the van is definitely his job. But there's a million of these types of vans around so it won't be a problem to find one next week.

We also have to buy a cake. My SO is like "why do we need cake?" That's like asking why do we need booze! We're going to buy a store-bought cake from the nicest cake place. I'm fixing up my cake toppers that my mom made us when we got married, they've been falling apart throughout the year.

Finally- I need sparklers. I want to take some sparkler pictures, I think they're super cute. The photographer said she's never done them before but promised to practice so hopefully we can get some cute ones.

Non-party news:
Construction workers are busy banging shit with hammers or sawing metal all day. Loudest, shit, ever. I don't like working but I'm almost ready to go back just to get away from the noise all day. No matter how many errands I run I can't stay out of the house the entire freaking day.

My SO got his braces off on Monday! YES! No metal-mouth kisses anymore!

And that's it for this superficial blog. I do have some heavy stuff I've been wanting to blog about for a while, but I don't think I'm quite ready for that yet. Meanwhile, you have my froo-froo ones.

Have a great day!